The plan

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                                                                 Daisy's POV

   It's been two weeks and they still haven't came after me. What is the hold up? Maybe they didn't care for Lonna the way I thought. I knew I should've killed Sidney as well. I'm tired of waiting, it's time to end this once and for all. Once they see all my minions they won't know what to do. I think we will pay them alittle visit tomorrow night.

                                                                 Susie's POV

   I can't help but feel like all of this is my fault. If I hadn't come along then no one would have gotten killed. There's been far too much blood shed. And now to top it all off, it looks like I may have to kill my own father. I'm not even eighteen yet, this is all becoming too much.

   As if reading my mind Sebastian puts his hand on my shoulder. “This is not your fault,” he says with concern in his eyes, “Daisy is the only one to blame for this and we will deal with her soon.” “How soon though,” I ask, “she will come for us if we do not make the first move.” “That's exactly what we want her to do love,” he says, then smiles the smile I love so much. “We weren't expecting her last time but this time we'll be ready,” Sebastian says, “Dimitri took Sid somewhere safe until this is all over. The last thing we want is for someone else to get hurt or worse, killed.”

    My mother walks in the room and asks us to come to the living room. Since Lonna was killed we haven't really discussed what we were going to do about Daisy. We all go and sit across from Eithan, Pookie, and Dimitri.

   Dimitri, as usual, got straight to the point, “Daisy will be coming soon so we need to have a plan of attack ready. She is more powerful now that she has Gabriel, not because he has any real power , but because he knows Reana so well. Everyone here has something they can fight with, we are all gifted in different ways and I think this the way we will beat her.”

   “Eithan, it's been too long since we've worked on strengthening my fighting skills, are you up for some one on one?” I ask as I stand up. Eithan jumps up and claps his hands together as if he's just won a prize. I couldn't help but laugh at him. “Things have been way too depressing around here lately, alittle bit of ass kickin is exactly what we need,” he says then heads outside. Dimitri sighs, “this isn't exactly what I had in mind, we are suppose to be making a plan to finally be rid of Daisy.” “We can still do just that, we will train while you talk,” I say, alittle excited myself about sparing with Eithan. He is right, I think alittle fighting is exactly what we need.

   We all go outside and as soon as my foot leaves the last step I am thrown a good fifteen feet. “BAM,” Eithan yells. I'm back on my feet before he reaches me and to his surprise I am in a fighting stance. “Good job little lady, now let's see how you handle yourself,” he says, then takes a swing at me. I duck out of the way and come back up with a ball of blue light sending Eithan soaring high in the air. He lands with a thud and the others begin hooting and clapping their hands.

   They sit on the stairs and begin discussing strategies. Once Eithan catches his breath he is back on his feet and ready to go again. We fight back and forth for a good hour or so before Dimitri tells us to take a break. I'm glad he suggests it because I am getting tired, but no way am I gonna tell Eithan. We all go back inside and Pookie and my mother make us dinner while Dimitri fills me and Eithan in on what they came up with.

   Dimitri begins pacing back and forth, as he often does when he's serious about something. “We may have come up with a good enough plan to be rid of Daisy once and for all,” he says. I fold my arms across my chest and let out a sigh. “There's no telling how many minions she has created or when she will be coming. What we do know is that she will be coming for blood. We will give it everything we've got and hope for the best,” Dimitri says then stops pacing. “What is this plan of yours,” I say, sounding alittle more doubtful then I intended.

   “If Daisy thinks you are volinerable without Dimitri and I then she may strike when we are gone,” Sebastian says. “Your going to leave us here to face her alone,” I ask in a panic. “Of course not love, I would never leave you to fight alone,” he says then hugs me tight. “We are going to be close enough to hear when she comes, our sense of hearing is far stronger then any humans,” Dimitri says. “If that's then case then shouldn't we me whispering? Couldn't Daisy be outside right now listening to us?” Pookie asks. “She's not here, and if she was she wouldn't be able to hear us. Sidney's walls are sound proof. Don't ask me why, just leave it up to Sid to have things like that,” Sebastian explains with a slight chuckle.

   Pookie and my mother bring dinner to the table and we all begin to eat. “There's something else we need to discuss,” my mother says, regret clearly written on her face. “You don't have to say anything, I already know what you want to talk about and there's nothing to say except Gabriel is no longer my father. He is simply another one of Daisy's minions. And if he can't be saved then we will have to kill him,” I say, then take another bite. My mother's mouth hangs open for a second then she blinks hard and asks, “are you sure you can do this Susie? I know you never knew him but he is your father.” “No he isn't, he stopped being my father when he put you away. He never wanted me and now he's running with pure evil. If it comes down to us or him then he has to die,” I say.

   The rest of dinner is spent in silence. We all say our goodnights then head off to bed knowing that we all need a good nights rest because tomorrow we may be fighting for our lives. Me and Sebastian get comfortable and before I know it I am drifting off to sleep. The peaceful sleep I had hoped for is quickly interrupted with a vision...Gabrial, my father, is standing in front of me. “You look so much like your mom dear Susie,” he says. “How are you in my dream, you have no gifts to speak of?” I ask, already knowing the answer. “I can do most of the things that Daisy can do now,” he replies, “she didn't just make me her minion, she made me her own. I'm just like her.” He laughs an evil laugh then takes a step towards me. I stand my ground knowing that he would take it as a sign of weakness if I moved. “We're coming for you sweet Susie, you and all your little friends. I don't have to tell you how badly Daisy wants your soul. And now that she knows your mother is with you she is determined to have you both,” he says. Then he is gone and I lay wide awake with nothing but my thoughts.


The picture to the right is of the guys before taking Sidney somewhere safe.  Hope you like this chapter, there's far more action to come in the next couple chapters.  Please comment and let me know what you think. ;)

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