Bodies will fall

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   Suddenly I hear screaming from downstairs.  I look over and Sebastian is gone.  I run to the edge of the stairs and peak down, hoping whoever has caused the screams doesn't see me.  Just then I see my mother  fly across the room and slam hard against the wall.  I run down the stairs and by her side.  She is still alive but knocked out cold.  I jump up and immediately feel my hands tingling.  A woman I've never seen before charges after me with her fangs out ready to bite me.  I slam her against the ceiling with the blue light coming from my hands, then back to the floor.  She starts to get back up when Sebastian appears behind her and rips her head off.  I've never seen him look so fierce.  “They attacked while we were asleep,” is all he says then he is fighting again with a big vampire that comes up behind him.

    I can't believe my eyes, there's blood and bodies all over.  How did I sleep through any of this and why didn't Sebastian wake me up when he came down stairs?  My m other begins to wake up so I help her to her feet.  “We've got to stop them,” she says, then we both run towards the screaming coming from the living room. 

    I gasp at the site, there are at least ten bodies on the floor dead. Thankfully I don't recognize any of them.  One of Daisy's minions has Pookie pinned against the wall, teeth nearing her throat, when I grab his head and literally twist it off.  I surprise even myself with how easy it is.  Pookie thanks me then we run out to the front yard where there seems to be the most fighting and screams. 

   Just as we reach the bottom of the stairs I spot Daisy and she smiles at us just as she bites into Lyza's neck, ripping it out and sending her flying towards us.  Lyza hits the ground at our feet but is already dead.  Suddenly I see red and the only thing I want is to see Daisy die, and die slowly.  I head towards Daisy, my hands glowing brighter then ever before, sending anyone and everyone in my path flying across the yard.  My eyes are fixed on Daisy so I don't see when Gabrial slams into the side of me.  “You will not hurt my queen,” he says, as he grabs for me.  I jerk away and jump up, ready to fight.  Out of the corner of my eye I see Dimitri and Daisy beginning to fight, a big smile of her face.  Oh how I hate that woman. 

   “Why are you doing this, you are my father,” I ask Gabrial, already knowing the answer, just trying to buy time to be able to look around and check on all my friends.  “I helped make you but I was never your father little girl, and now I'm going to kill you like I should've done years ago,” he says, then charges me.  He bares his teeth at me and I laugh, “You really think it's gonna be that easy, Daisy really didn't teach you anything did she?”  After several attempts at biting me I send dear old dad flying against the house where I leave him pinned while I go and try to help the others.  “Let me down from here you bitch,” he screams.  I laugh then with a wave of my hand I send a blue jolt that knocks him out cold. 

    I run into the crowd of people fighting and try to find Pookie.  She is towards the middle and nearly dead when I reach her, her face barely recognizable.  I grab her up and help her to the steps.  “Leave me,” she says, “go help your mother.” I set her down as gently as I can then run out looking and yelling for my mother.  Just then I catch sight of her out of the corner of my eye, it takes ever ounce of strength  I have not to fall to my knees right then and there.  My mother lay against a tree with eyes her eyes starring right at me, I didn't have to get any closer to know that the blank stare means that she is dead.  I run to her side, letting the tears escape my eyes. She looks so little and fragile sitting there, so much blood all over her.  How could I have let this happen?

   Sebastian throws his arms around me and pulls me to my feet.  “I'm so sorry my love, we have to help the others though. Daisy is still alive and as long as she is, her minions will not stop until we are all dead.”  I take one more look at my mother then run towards the fighting crowd more determined then ever that Daisy will die by my hand. 

   Suddenly Sebastian and I are surrounded.  We put our backs together are begin fighting.  One after another we send the vampires heads rolling.  Before I realize it Eithan is next to us. He is bloody on one side of his head where someone has hit him.  I am thankful he is still alive but suddenly very worried about Pookie.  “Where's Pookie,” I yell towards him.  With sad eyes he just shakes his head then I know she too is dead.  I scream loud with fury and start sending bodies flying.

   Just as I reach Daisy I feel a force pushing me back.  It's as if Daisy has some kind of force field around her.  She smiles the evil smile of hers then waves her hand at me, “See you soon!” she says. Then I sit straight up in bed screaming..... 

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