What could possibly happen next....

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   We watched in horror as Daisy tore threw the necks of Sarah and Beth.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  Daisy was actually a  vampire!  How could this be true and why were her eyes black?  Daisy laughed an evil laugh as Sarah begged her to stop.  You could see the terror in Sarah's eyes matching  the pleasure in Daisy's.  Daisy was pure evil!   "Cry all you want little girl, nothing will save you now", she says, then snaps Sarah's neck. 

   I couldn't watch anymore!  I broke the connection and with that the scene before us was gone.  I collapsed to the floor sobbing.  Sebastian held me as I cried.   When I finally looked up from his shoulder, everyone else was gone.  I felt like a total child but really...how much can one person take!  He wiped the tears from my cheeks and kissed my forehead....and again with the butterflies.  How could I be crushing on him at a time like this?  He led me to the bed to set and before I knew it I was telling him everything about me and everything that happened with Daisy.  I told him about my visions and about how I had 'visits' from my real mother Reana. 

   Sebastian gasped when I said my mother's name and got up and started pacing the floor.  "What's wrong...what did I say?"  I didn't understand what was happening, did I freak him out, had I said too much?! 

   "I've got to go take care of something then I'll come back, I'll send Lyza over to help you calm down alittle," he said before he rushed out of the room.  Just great, I finally have the nerve to tell him about me and he runs away.....

   Lyza came shortly after and placed her hands on my face saying the words that helped me to calm down my first day here.  "You must get tired of running over here to keep me from completely freaking out?", I say.  "Anything for our Susie", she says then walks out of the room.  I couldn't decide if she was being sincere or if there was an issue between us that I needed to address.  I was just about to call her and ask her to come back and talk to me when there was a knock at the door. 

   I open the door to see Darla standing there with a big smile on her face.  What was up with this girl, she was always smiling?!  Did she not know that she was surrounded by freaks? 

   "Thought I'd come check on you", she said as she walked in and hugged me.  "Lyza just left so I'm fine now", I say.  I didn't say it but I was really glad to have someone with me.  I didn't think I could handle being alone right now. 

   Luckily for me Darla wasn't the noisy type.  She didn't ask a single question about the resent events that once again showed everyone what a freak I was.  Darla was the type of girl who was always happy....I don't think I've ever seen her without a smile on her face.  I was glad for this fact because I've had far too much drama here lately, it was a nice change. 

   Pookie came in and invited us to come have lunch with her....I hadn't realized that Darla and I had been talking for two hours now.  I was hoping to see Sebastian at our lunch table so I could ask him why he ran off when I told him about my mothers visits but he wasn't there.  Lyza wasn't either, this was the first time since coming here that the whole gang hasn't met at our table.  I couldn't help but wonder if it was because of me....were they avoiding me? 

   We had made it half way thru lunch without any mention of Daisy when Eithan spoke up.  "We need to talk about what you showed us back in your room", he says.  "I know we do but shouldn't we wait till everyone's here....where are Lyza and Sebastian anyway?!"  "Not sure", Eithan says, "they left earlier, said they'd fill us in when they returned."  The rest of lunch was filled with an awkward silence. 

   Pookie and I decided to have dinner in our room.  Lyza and Sebastian hadn't made it back yet and we didn't want a repeat of lunch.  "I wonder were they went?", I say, more thinking out loud then really asking a question.  "We'll find out soon, Lyza just text me and said they're on their way back", Pookie says while dialing Eithan's number.  Pookie called and told everyone to meet back in our room.  I was SO nervous!  What made Sebastian leave like that and why did he take Lyza? 

   Everyone piled up in our room waiting for the big news we been waiting on all day.  I swear you could've heard a pin drop, it was so quite.  When Sebastian walked in I nearly knocked him over.   What has come over me.....he ran out when I told him all about me and here I was throwing my arms around his neck.  He didn't budge tho...he hugged me just as tight. 

   I wasn't sure what it was about him but I felt not only like I've known him for years but that I'm suppose to be with him.  And I'm not talking 'teenage puppy love', I'm talking soul mates.  Like we were together in a past life or something.  And after all the things I've learned in the last few weeks, I wouldn't be surprised if that was possible.   

   Sebastian pulled away from me, takes my hand, and turns to face everyone and says...."I have an announcement to make and your not gonna like it.....!"


The picture is what I think Darla would look like.....please enjoy and comment!  Thanks!!

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