The party

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   I went into shear panic mode and started throwing my clothes back in my suitcase.  How did those flowers get in there?  I packed after the attacks.....Daisy was long gone by then wasn't she?!  It didn't matter now, something was going on and I wasn't gonna stick around to see what it was.

   Pookie asked me what was wrong but what would I say..."there's a psycho killer out there that is toying with me?!"  No, I couldn't tell her anything.  I would sound like a crazy person.  Besides, how would I explain that a beautiful girl came to my school and ripped the throats out of everyone there but me?  I mean, who or what could even do that? 

   I noticed Pookie on the phone but didn't pay attention to what she was saying, I was far too busy freaking out.  Within five minutes Lyza was standing in front of me.  She whispered something then rubbed her hands together and put them on my face.  Instantly I felt calm!  What the hell just happened? 

   She smiled and backed away allowing me to set on the bed.  Then just like that, she  turned on her heels and headed towards the door.  "See you guys at the party,"  she says as she shuts the door leaving me stunned. 

   Pookie waved two tops in front of me.  "Should I wear the purple top or the black one?"  When I didn't respond she went to stand in front of the mirror, putting each shirt in front of her till she settled on the black one.  Did she not just see what happened? 

    I decided to let it go for now....I think I've shown Pookie enough crazy for one day!  I would put the thoughts of Daisy to the side if only for tonight.  I could use some fun to take my mind off everything, Daisy could be tomorrow's problem.

   Everyone from our lunch table was at the party plus a few others.  Lyza acted like nothing ever happened so I took it as my sign to do the same.  Pookie would definitely have some explaining to do tomorrow.  My rambling thoughts were long forgotten when Sebastian walked up and took my hand.  There goes that feeling's almost like a light volt of electricity surging from him.  Boy, I must really be losing it?

    Sebastian led me to a log by the fire where he sat beside me.  He was so close I could smell his was intoxicating!  We all talked for hours.  I never felt so at home with a group of people.  Not even my own family! 

   Ever once in a while I would catch Sebastian smiling at me.  Of course as soon as I would start to ask him why he kept smiling at me he'd touch my hand or our knees would touch and I would forget what I was gonna say.   

   Around 2 o'clock we all decided to call it a night.  Sebastian asked to walk me back to my room and everyone else headed back to campus while he put the fire the rest of the way out.  I didn't know why but I was beyond nervous.  I knew I felt comfortable and oddly enough I even felt safe.  But something about him made me feel giddy and shy. 

   On our walk back he asked me all the general I liked being at Dylan Hall....if I had any brothers or sisters.....things of that sort.  He grabbed my hand to help me thru the split in the gate leading back on to campus.  Once thru he continued to hold my hand as we walked to my room....I once again felt the surge of electricity coming from him.  Once I could actually speak while he was touching me I would have to ask him about that.

   Sebastian gently kissed my hand as he said goodnight.  I watched him as he disappeared down the hall.  Boy I could get use to this!

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