Chapter 7. Follow your heart

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I noticed that the last chapter was in Vanya's POV which wasn't supposed to happen. Well, I'm going back to 3rd person POV: Enjoy!

"Why do you keep doing this?" Vanya asked softly.

"Do what?" he asked.

"You push me away then you pull me right back only to push me even more." she told him.

His soft eyes suddenly narrowed as he put a distance between Vanya and him. "Excuse me, lady Vanya, for I have important manners to attend." he said in a monotone as he walked away from her. Vanya glared at his retreating figure vowing to never ever give up. She was even more furious as she realized that she had yet again gone soft on the elven king when she's supposed to be furious at him for treating the dwarves badly. A festival was starting but she had no care towards such activity. 

She was about to go to the dungeon to talk to the dwarf when all of a sudden she saw a few dwarves and a small person walking towards the basement. They all froze once they saw Vanya who stood at the top of the stairs. One of the dwarves was about to knock her out when Vanya told them silently, "I saw nothing." as she winked at them and slowly walked away. The dwarves were astounded and did not know what to do. Vanya did a small happy dance as she realized that the dwarves were escaping. 

"Take that silly King and your authority." she said to herself. 

As Vanya was walking towards her chambers, she heard a horn in the distance meaning that the gates in the river area should immediately close. Unexpectedly, Vanya was pushed to the wall as electric blue eyes glared down at her. "You help them escaped!" his harsh voice accused her. Vanya raised an eyebrow as she said "Why do you care if I helped them or not?" Vanya could tell that Thranduil was beyond furious. Any moment now and his hair would fall right off. 

Thranduil wanted to punish her, throw her in the dungeon, tell the guards to torture her for information but he doesn't have the heart to even hurt her, not even a single strand of her hair. He silently cursed himself for feeling this way. It was unheard of.

Thranduil released her as he stormed off. 

Vanya smirked as she retreated to her chambers. After brushing her hair and changing into a different gown, a gown much comfy than the last. She skipped towards the throne room only to see, Thranduil pacing back and forth with Legolas holding an orc.  They paid no attention as she entered and stood beside Thranduil. "You had orders to kill them, why? What is Thorin Oakenshield to you?" Legolas asked the orc as he still held a blade against his throat. The orc gurgled as if choking on its own saliva, "The dwarf runt will never be king." the orc said. "King? There is no king under the mountain nor will there ever be, none will dare enter Erebor whilst the dragon lives." Legolas said. "You know nothing... your world will burn." the orc said. "What are you talking about? Speak!" Legolas asked.

"Our time has come again, my master serves the one. Do you understand now elfling? Death is upon you. Flames of war are upon you... this pretty she-elf here will burn." the orc said making Vanya scared a bit from what he is saying. The orc was laughing when suddenly his laugh was cut off as Thranduil--in one swift movement--cut his head right off. Vanya was shocked that Thranduil cut off his head. Thranduil was furious and concerned that once again the dark lord will rise but what made him decide to cut off the orc's head was that he put an image of Vanya burning in his head. He could not stand the thought of her getting or being hurt.

Legolas looked at the orc's head then asked "Why did you do that? You promised to set him free." Vanya looked over to Thranduil to know his answer, "And I did, I free his wretched head from his miserable shoulders." Thranduil said as he stomped on the orc's vibrating body. "There was more the orc could tell us." Legolas told his father. "There was nothing more he could tell me." Thranduil said as he expertly put his sword away and walked away brushing his shoulder against Vanya. 

"What did he mean by the flames of war?" Legolas asked. "It means they intend to unleash a weapon so great that it will destroy all before it... I want the watch doubled at our borders, all roads, all rivers. Nothing moves without I hear of it. No one enters in this kingdom and no one leaves it." Thranduil said as his gaze traveled between Legolas and Vanya. "Vanya... Please, follow me." Thranduil commanded. Vanya looked at Legolas and smiled. Then she tailed behind Thranduil. 

Once they reached Thranduil's chambers. Thranduil quickly turned around and grabbed Vanya by the shoulders and said "Vanya, I know you think of me as cruel... as a selfish greedy king but I want you to do something for me... Stay here, don't leave this kingdom, please." he was concerned. Vanya was taken back by the care that swarmed his expression. "Why are you asking me this? Are you leaving?" Vanya asked as she pushed Thranduil's arms off her shoulders. Thranduil sighed, "I am going to claim what's rightfully mine." he said as his eyes hardened. "Please, take me with you." Vanya begged.

"No, it is too dangerous." he said.

"Then promise that you'll come back to me." Vanya stated.

Thranduil's head snapped to Vanya. He saw the love and concern on Vanya's face. Oh, how he wish to hold her in his arms. He started to stretch his arm to caress her cheek, but stop before he could even touch her. It was forbidden. Their love was forbidden. Vanya stood there waiting for his reply.  Anxious.

"I promise." Thranduil said as bowed lowly. Grabbed her hand and placed a soft kiss upon her hand. Vanya felt like she was blooming like a flower. She felt so high, that she could touch the skies. She's never felt like this before, she was afraid and happy at the same time. Thranduil stood once again straight as he stared at Vanya who held her other hand in front of her. "Be safe, Lirimaer." (lovely one) Thranduil said. Vanya smiled and said "Be safe, hallaer." (tall one) with a giggle.


Once Thranduil was out of sight, Vanya's smile disappeared. If Thranduil thought that Vanya would obey and stay inside the kingdom, then he thought wrong. Vanya ran towards where the warriors put their armors. She grabbed one set of armor and sword and all needed for her trip as she sneaked into a vacant chamber and changed. She knew that if she got caught before they could left the kingdom she would be dead and she also knew that if she got caught outside of the kingdom, she would be dead, literally. She walked out to see some of the elves changing and some already done. 

Her heart felt heavy inside her chest but she knew that she had to follow her heart. She was scared by the thought of Thranduil being in danger. Vanya knew how it felt to lose someone you love and hold dearly, she remembered her mother. She even asked one of the elves what were the commands again, she used the excuse of being a new warrior and that she was nervous. Although, she did had to pretend she was a guy. 


She got more nervous as she was now standing in the middle of warriors. Now marching towards Erebor. Once Vanya caught sight of Thranduil on his elk, her heart soared. 

And she knew right then and there that everything that she was doing was gonna be worth it.

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