Chapter 12. I don't wanna fight anymore

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Hey guys, I have been gone for a very long time. I truly apologize but I will finish all the stories I have posted. Enjoy!

Arwen was screaming loudly that if an ellon was standing right in front of her he would go deaf.

Elrond staggered a bit and blinked furiously like he couldn't believe what just happened.

The Rivendell twins and Legolas rushed down by taking the long route. 

Guards were contemplating if they should jump or not.

It was a long drop.

Thranduil, there was no hesitations or seconds thoughts he quickly shrugged his long robe off leaving his inner robe on, threw his crown at Elrond that he caught it and ran as fast as he could and dived into the deepest lake where he'll save the elleth he can't afford to lose. 

Upon meeting the cold water Thranduil searched desperately for Vanya but it was hard to see because it was dark even the keenest of eyes would find it difficult to see. Then he caught a glimpse of her gown floating from a lower distance. He swam like he never did before and once he reached her, he securely wrapped his arms around her waist, if Vanya wasn't drowning and her life wasn't in danger then he would've found this moment beautiful because in the darkness of the water he only saw Vanya and the moon light was on them it looked as if the water was showing them how cruel the world can be that they were forbidden to be with each other and so they felt empty. Thranduil started swimming upwards. He kicked his legs as hard and fast as he could. Hoping he wasn't too late.

As he brought Vanya's unconscious body on the grass a few people have already gathered around except Elrond who was too drunk to get down from the cliff that he sent his other daughter. "Vanya!" Arwen cried out as she saw Vanya's blue body. Thranduil's hands was shaking from panicking. Thranduil slightly slapped her face and murmured to himself "Come on, wake up Vanya."

Legolas then pushed everyone away,  Thranduil was about to give him a piece of his mind, How dare he! Thranduil thought. Legolas ripped off her dress, grabbed a dagger from his boot and cut open her corset. Then Vanya coughed out all the water from her lungs as she clung to Legolas' body. "Vanya!" Arwen happily cheered. Legolas then pulled Vanya into a hug and she was wheezing from her heavy breathing. "I thought I've lost you." Legolas whispered into her ear. 

What hurt Thranduil was that Vanya wasn't looking at him. He was breathing heavily as Vanya's family thanked Thranduil for saving her. The celebration was over after the accident, they needed to be sure that Vanya's health wasn't in danger. Thranduil got all the best healers including Elrond himself to tend to Vanya. Even in the healing room Thranduil was a wreck waiting for the healers to announce her state of health. 

If she was sick which was deadly to any elleth or ellon, then he would blame himself. He should've talk to her to see if anything was alright but no, he had to act like a little elfling warning her away and stealing glances. He bowed his head as he sat upon on the throne. Lost in deep thought to a place where he could be with Vanya without any objections or any judging eyes. 

"Ada." his son appeared before him. Thranduil looked up looking truly disturbed. "Lady Vanya is healed and is no longer in danger." the words that sent pure relief through Thranduil and his disturbing yet pleasant thoughts. "That is good to know." he said as if he just shrugged the problem off his shoulder but Legolas knows his father. 

"You love her don't you?" 

The question Thranduil dreaded that his son would ask. Thranduil didn't look into Legolas' eyes he just stared at the ground nor did he say anything.

"Ada? I know you love her." 

An image of Vanya smiled appeared into Thranduil's mind and he finally looked up and stared at Legolas who was still waiting for an answer. 

"I do... With all my heart." Thranduil spoke softly. Legolas looked down in sadness that his father and his bride were in love but can't be together. Legolas looked up and said "I am sorry... I will take care of her." as both of them nodded in understanding. 

When Legolas walked away Thranduil slowly made his way towards the healing room where he saw Vanya's family standing outside the door talking. When Elrond noticed Thranduil's presence he turned towards his old friend and said "I can never thank you enough King Thranduil, you've saved me and my family from another heartache." "You are welcome Elrond, I know how much Vanya means to you and your family. She is a joy to have in my kingdom and I would have done it for anyone." he said. 

Elrond smiled and asked "Do you want to see her?" Thranduil smiled and said "If I may?" the Rivendell family gave way and let only Thranduil into the room. He could see Vanya sitting on the bed still a bit pale but her skin looked better than the time he pulled her out from the lake. 

Vanya was staring out the window which had a view of the forest. "Ada I told you that I--" but she cut herself off when she saw it was Thranduil rather than her father. A long and very loud silence was between them as they looked anywhere in the room while stealing glances then Thranduil got the courage to speak first, "You look... better." 

Vanya smiled shyly. "Yes, even when my father is drunk on wine he can heal me quite well." she spoke. Thranduil couldn't explain how amazing it was to hear her voice once again. "I am just glad that you are doing better." Thranduil told Vanya. Vanya played with the strands of her hair and said "Thank you Thranduil... for saving me." Thranduil sat at the foot of the bed staring at her. "I thought I would have died... All my fond memories played in my head and I thought this is it..." she said as she looked like she was in a trance still scared of the memory of being under the dark water of the lake. 

"I would not allow you to die Vanya... And you are welcome I would have done anything to keep you safe." he told her softly. Vanya's heart fluttered at this moment that will forever be etched into her heart. Thranduil then abruptly stood up and was headed for the door and Vanya said nothing because she knew no matter how much she fought to be with him he would never fight back to be with her. 

Before Thranduil could open the door he turned back to Vanya and sighed heavily. Vanya looked at him longingly. "Vanya." he spoke as if he was out of breath.  Vanya sat up in her bed as she was anxious what he was about to say. "I have to tell you something..." but it looked as if Thranduil was having a hard time telling her something. 

"What Thranduil?"

"I don't wanna fight anymore... I wanna be with you." 

Vanya's heart did things she thought was impossible. She then shrugged the sheets off her body as she jumped off the bed and ran towards Thranduil who met her halfway. Both of them pulled each other in an embrace.

"I can't lose you." he told her. 

"You never will." was her reply.

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