Chapter 3. Flutters

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        "It is true, your father holds the most merry feasts in Middle earth. Well, I cannot say so for sure for I have only been to Rivendell and here." Vanya told Legolas as they both walked through the halls of Thranduil. "It is normal to me, ever since I was just a little elfling my father would throw these feasts sometimes for the silliest of reasons." "Really like what?" Vanya asked, "Like... Legolas you have grown another foot--we celebrate! Or I have a plan for Greenwood-- Let's celebrate!" Legolas exclaimed as Vanya burst out laughing. That's until Legolas stopped dead in his tracks.

Vanya looked up and saw a startled elleth. She had long red hair and she was wearing one of the guards uniform. A bow and a quiver of arrows were strapped to her back, and two daggers were strapped to her waist. "Tauriel." Legolas greeted her as he smiled, Tauriel looked afraid but she bowed to Vanya and Legolas as she spoke "My Lord and Lady." "Vanya this is one of my closest friends, Tauriel. Captain of the guard. Tauriel this is my bride, Vanya." Legolas introduced one another. Tauriel was about to say something to Vanya but Vanya beat her to it. "Really? I've never seen an elleth as the Captain. That is truly amazing. I am honored to meet an elleth like you Tauriel." Vanya said as she bowed. Tauriel smiled as she did not expect her to be this kind. "Thank you my lady, it is wonderful to finally meet not only Lord Legolas' bride but Lord Elrond's eldest daughter. I have always thought that Arwen was the eldest." Tauriel commented. "Ah, yes. My dear Arwen. I truly miss her. She has more experience in other realms, she is known more than me for she is the evenstar. I have no envy towards my sister for I adore and love her than any sister would." Vanya said.

Vanya also noticed how Legolas looked at Tauriel. Tauriel bowed once more as she said "Excuse me my Lord and Lady, I must take my leave." Legolas and Vanya bowed, then they parted ways. Once Tauriel was out of hearing shot Vanya swatted Legolas' shoulder as she faced him "You like her don't you?" Legolas rubbed his shoulder as he defended himself "What are you talking about?" but Legolas' ears were already turning red. "I knew it! You like Tauriel!" Vanya said as she pointed at him. "You don't have to explain Legolas, she is very rare to come by. An elleth as the Captain of the guard? She must be skillful for she looks not older than 1000 years old. And her beauty is also blooming. Why wouldn't you like her?" Legolas bowed his head and made eye contact with Vanya. "Please don't tell."

"My lips are sealed." Vanya said. "Aren't you jealous?" Legolas asked.

"Why would I be jealous? I enjoy your company Legolas and you might be my future husband but I do not own you fully. We are just good friends who are force to bind together. Possibly provide you with an heir." Vanya explained. "You're different Vanya... you know that. I want to spend more time with you Vanya but I have to run some chores of mine." Legolas said, Vanya smiled and nodded. "See you at supper then?" Legolas nodded as he started walking off.


        Vanya grew bored of being inside which shocked her since she never grew bored in Rivendell. Maybe it was a new place that she didn't feel at home or maybe it was the fact that she missed being under the sun with grass below her feet. Vanya knew that she was forbidden to go out of the palace without the King's permission. She wore a faded white dress that came up to her ankles with faded gold straps, and doll shoes. Vanya was never the one to climb but she was known for her sneaking especially in Imladris, she would always sneak to her father's herb garden or she would sneak away to the small cliff where her father would read moon runes. She stood behind a pillar that was near to the grand doors that led to the outside world. She tried her best to put a straight face as she started walking towards the guards that were standing in front of the doors.

"Suilad Mellon! (Hello Friend)The King requests your presence." Vanya said, the two guards nodded as they started making their way to the throne room. Once they couldn't be seen Vanya hurried out the doors before anyone could see her or yet the guards and Thranduil knew that they were being tricked. Vanya sighed as she felt the heat of the sun upon her skin. She then bolted into a run, heading towards the forest, but what she didn't know was the danger that lingered.

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