Chapter 8. Confessions

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The flames cackled in front of Vanya, she was trying to stay hidden as possible. The sky was dark as they camped in the city of Dale. Thranduil was settled into his fancy tent, while some warriors were on guard. Vanya just came from patrolling. "You know, Lord Elrond will have Thranduil and Legolas' head on a spike if he knows you are here." someone spoke in front of Vanya.

She looked up to find a dear friend of hers, "Mithrandir." Shocked that he knew it was her. "Lady Vanya, for the sake of your father, what are you doing here?" he asked, concerned for the young elleth who knew nothing of war but was in armor and was marching with ellons who were trained their whole lives for war. "Mithrandir, you shall say no word of me being here." she said as she stood up. "Don't you think I know that? I don't want to upset an already grumpy Thranduil," he said then continued "But you must tell me, why are you here?"

Vanya bit her lip, wondering if she should tell her friend the sole purpose of her being here. "What if..." No one knew of her feelings towards the elven king, but she knew better than to lie to Gandalf who could spot a lie as if he was picking flowers in a field. "I wanted to prove myself." she lied. Gandalf raised an eyebrow. "My dear, there is no need to lie to me... By the way you cast your gaze on the fire you yearn for home... And your hands are trembling you are scared... You are here not because you want to but because your heart led you here, it is a need for you." He read her like an open book.

Vanya sighed.

"If I told you Mithrandir, then you shall have my head on a spike as well." she said. Gandalf grabbed Vanya's hands as both of them sat in front of the fire. "Lady Vanya, all I want to know is that you are here because of something that is worth dying for rather than just plain silly games that led you to march upon death." Gandalf said softly. A tear escaped Vanya's eye. She quickly wiped the tear away and said "Believe me... What I came here for is worth dying for." she said as a picture of Thranduil's face appeared in her mind. Gandalf smiled, "Legolas Greenleaf is worth dying for." Gandalf said. Proud that she finally accepted her fate in being betrothed to the elven Prince. 

Vanya's smile disappeared but then she quickly smiled once more and nodded. 

No one must know.


Vanya marched onto battle with the others. They approached the entrance of Erebor, her eyes wide like saucers as she took in the beauty of the lonely mountain. They had a small conversation with Thorin,  the king under the mountain but when suddenly another army of dwarves descended from the other side of the mountain. When he threatened to split Thranduil's head open,  Vanya growled angrily.

The ground then shook and out from the giant worm holes came armies of orcs. Vanya grew scared and nervous as the dwarves charged forward to battle while the elves stood still. Her heart was beating erratically and she stared at Thranduil who looked as if he was thinking about fleeing. Gandalf tried voicing his concern but then Vanya had to do what she had to do. 

She stepped out of place where she had a clear view of Thranduil and took off her helmet.

"Thranduil!" she cried out as loud as she can. Thranduil whipped his head towards the person who shouted his name. Who dared to call him by his name and not by my lord or king. There she was, the first person that came to his mind when he thought he would die by the hands of Azog's army. There she was staring at him with pleading eyes her grey eyes glistened. Her beautiful eyes that haunt him every night in his sleep. She was worth fighting and dying for. 

He gave the order. 

To charge in battle. 


Once he gave out the order, he quickly galloped towards where he last saw Vanya. Desperate to get to her before any ill has fallen upon her. Once he finally caught up to her he quickly asked "What are you doing here? Do you know how dangerous it is? You could be killed!" Raged by her brainless thinking. 

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