Chapter 20. Finale

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Hey guys! Haven't updated in a while just had to deal with life. But I do hope you enjoy the last chapter. I need to finish all my stories because I feel bad just leading you guys on only to not finish the story... that's bad. Enjoy!

Thranduil's couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at the shattered stone in front of him. The sword still in his hands as he just stared at the broken stone. Elrond in the background took a step back wondering if his eyes were playing tricks but he then dashed towards the tower where Legolas and Vanya lay. 

It could only mean that the prophecy has finally been broken or they only made it worse. 

"Arwen!" Elrond called out as he climbed the stairs and as he barged into the room the candles blew out and the only light was coming from the moon and the lightning that appeared often. Tauriel was a mess, her hair was in knots and her eyes were red. Arwen still had tears in her eyes as she looked at her father as if she was lost in the world.

"We don't know what happened... A moment they were smiling at fond memories then all of a sudden they both shut their eyes and were unconscious." Mithrandir spoke up. "Thanduil," Elrond tried telling them "He broke the stone." Everyone's eyes in the room widen, all of Vanya's siblings looked at her as Tauriel looked at Legolas. Mithrandir started making his way towards the stone not believing his ears and he had to see for himself, Radagast was tailing behind Mithrandir. 

"Then why aren't they waking up?" Tauriel asked as she cupped Legolas' face. Elrond approached his pale daughter and touched her arm to feel if there was a pulse. "I... I don't know." Elrond said sadly.

Elrond stood back up and in the dark room everyone bowed their heads and Elrond broke the eerie silence "All we can do is wait." 

"What if they don't wake up?" Arwen asked as she laid next to her sister.

"There's nothing we can do." Elrond said.


Days turned into months and months turn into years.

Still Legolas nor Vanya has woken up.

Everyone returned to their homes including Thranduil who had no choice but to go back and take care of his people. 

Galadriel and Celeborn visited Elrond and told them that they were right all along. The stone wasn't supposed to be broken and now they're doomed to an eternal sleep was the exact words of Galadriel. 

Thranduil spent those years blaming himself that not only his true love but also his son was in an eternal sleep. 

Although he still led his people and still protected yet when he's in prison of his own solitude or when he is alone with his own thoughts he breaks and becomes grief himself.

All the way in Rivendell, Legolas and Vanya still laid in the same room both in the most magnificent outfits with circlets around their head although they have not waken still their beauty was breath taking. 

Elrond and Arwen sat peacefully in their garden reading books. "I heard Lady Galadriel would be throwing a ball for my begetting day." Arwen spoke without taking her eyes off her book, trying to make small talk with her father. "And where did you hear this?" Elrond asked his daughter as he glanced towards her. Arwen gave a soft laugh as she made eye contact with her father, "A little bird." she said even though Elrond knew she saw it in a vision. Both of them shared a laugh together that's until Arwen tensed up like a needle has been shot through her back.

Elrond noticed and he approached her by kneeling in front of her, "What is the matter?" Arwen seemed to look like she was in a daze. Her eyes wandered around but her father. "Vanya." she softly said as she looked at her father. 

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