Chapter 9. It's a fight that I don't wanna win.

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Legolas' lips were warm and soft but Vanya tried her best to search for the one thing she was looking for... the spark. She felt only the warmth and softness of his lips and nothing more. Legolas pulled away and asked "Did you feel something?" 

Vanya was still stunned by the kiss. Never has she ever kissed a person in her life, she was hoping her first kiss would be Thranduil but she instantly forgave Legolas for he was only trying to prove a point. Vanya sadly shook her head, as much as she accepted her feelings towards Thranduil still her destiny was to love and marry Legolas which her heart could not accept for it yearned for another.

Legolas gave a small smile and whispered "Me neither." Thranduil did not see the kiss nor did he want to, once Legolas pulled Vanya in for a kiss Thranduil quickly turned his head. He was afraid for what he might feel. Legolas then took Vanya's hand and told her "Let's go." Vanya walked with Legolas and Tauriel but as she was just a few distance away from Thranduil. She turned around and saw him, staring at her. She fought the urge to run back to him as she kept walking towards Raven hill.

Legolas easily got to Raven hill while Tauriel and Vanya had to walk there. Tauriel quickly went towards a dwarf named Kili leaving Vanya alone. 

(A//N: There are a few things I'm gonna add in this part so it is totally not from the books--oh! And also a few changes.)

Vanya was more than nervous. The hill was foggy, the fog was too thick for her to see through. She heard a few grunts and clashing of swords but they seem so far away. She took small steps not knowing where to go. She got out her sword and held it closely in case someone were to attack. 

When suddenly an orc's face appeared out from the fog in front of her, snarling at her. The orc looked exactly like Bolg, big, scary, and very ugly.  She screamed, at the last minute she blocked his hit making her fall to the ground. The orc's sword was big and very hard to block. While on the ground she rolled over to avoid the advances the orc was taking at her. She quickly got up and started sparring with the orc. Her blocks were sometimes weak, the orc was able to pick up Vanya and throw her against the wall. 

Never has Vanya experience such pain as this. She tried fighting back but there were times when the orc would take a jab at her with his fist. Vanya could barely breath, she felt blood trickling from her brow. She continued fighting but Vanya wasn't as skilled or as experienced as other warriors. She was used to sparring with Legolas in the training fields and nothing more. 

Suddenly Vanya was knocked down but before the orc could end her life with the tip of his sword she quickly shielded herself with her own sword. She wasn't strong as the orc. The tip of the orc's sword was dangerously getting near her chest, ending her life for good. She tried pushing the sword away with all her strength but no matter how hard she pushed the orc was still stronger.

When Vanya thought that this was her moment to die, the orc was suddenly knocked off of her. She only had a glimpse of silver. Vanya was breathing heavily, her being alive is slowly sinking into her brain but once she heard grunts and clashing of swords. She pushed herself up and saw Thranduil battling the orc. Her heart soared. 

"You have to kill me to kill her." Thranduil growled at the orc. She watched as Thranduil and the orc sparred. And in an instant the orc's head fell off. Every time Vanya watches Thranduil battle he makes it so easy to kill something. Thranduil was panting hard, he slowly looked over to Vanya who stood there still. He dropped his sword and stormed towards her and pulled her into an embrace. "Please don't always do this to me." he whispered as he was buried in her hair. Vanya smiled as she melted into the embrace. They pulled away and Vanya spoke, "You came back."

Thranduil looked at Vanya lovingly. There are times when he thought he'll lose her forever but then it slowly sank in. He can never lose her because there is nothing to lose because she was never his from the beginning. His eyes that vibrated love and care slowly dulled and that scowl that was itched to his face before has returned. "Of course I did, you and Legolas especially Tauriel has made a foolish decision. If my son died here, I will never hear the end of how the King of the Woodland realm was a father who couldn't keep not only his wife alive but as well as his son." he barked. 

He then stepped away from her and was about to storm out but Vanya spoke, "Why do you keep pushing yourself away from me? I know you feel the same way--you're just afraid to admit it. What are you afraid of? Some stone that wrote my destiny?" "A Destiny that can kill you--know your place Lady Vanya, I know where mine is and that's nowhere near you." he said. 

"This can work Thranduil! We can fight this destiny!" Vanya encouraged him. Thranduil glared at her and said "This is not my battle." "Then rebel against this battle--fight for me!" she pleaded now more than ever desperate to be with him. Then his last words made Vanya speechless,

"It's a fight that I don't wanna win." 


Vanya fell to the floor. She was too deep in her own grief to notice the war was over. She didn't know how long she stayed there but suddenly she felt someone carry her. 

"I'm sorry." Legolas spoke as he silently carried her back to the woodland realm. 

Where awaited a destiny she doesn't want. 

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