Chapter 13. No...

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Excitement filled the halls of Thranduil. People smiling and laughing like the darkness wasn't there. Dashing across the hall with utter glee is Vanya with her skirts hiked up and a lovely smile caked on her face. She felt like soaring through the sky like a firework. 

Her destination wasn't too far as she barged into the room and startled the Woodland Prince. "Legolas!" she threw her arms around his neck. The Prince smiled at the change of mood of Lady Vanya. Legolas pulled away from the hug and stared at the glistening eyes of Vanya that reflected nothing but sheer joy. 

"And what do I owe the pleasure of being in the presence of your happiness?" Legolas asked. Vanya smiled even more if it was possible. "Something amazing has happened Legolas but for it to continue for the rest of my life... You have to agree." Vanya stated. Legolas' eyebrows pulled together and asked "What may that be?" 

"He wants to fight for me." Vanya said happily with a small giggle.

Legolas' eyes widen in realization. "He wants to fight the prophecy?" 


Legolas was quiet but then Vanya spoke up "I know it is dangerous for you and I, but we both can finally be happy. If your father is ready to pledge for me--a simple elleth who may be the daughter of the lord of Rivendell but aside from that nothing special then what's to say you can pledge yourself to Tauriel? You love her Legolas, you both deserve each other."

"What if she doesn't--" but Legolas couldn't finish when Vanya butted in, "She'd be foolish to reject your love Legolas. Don't wait long... don't wait for her to move on." Legolas inspired the aura of Vanya and the unknown glow coming from her, he smiled to himself thinking of Tauriel. Without words spoken Vanya nodded, and it encouraged Legolas to bolt into a run to find the one he truly loves. 

Vanya spun happily around the room with her arms spread out as she stared at the ceiling. She then bolted into a run herself to spread the news. She knew it would be hard especially when she would tell her grandmother but her feelings for Thranduil was much more than the fear her heart could feel. She went to the suite that her family stayed in, dodging elves and trying her best to greet every one of them. 

She then barged into the door finding her father and Arwen reading a book and the Rivendell twins looking outside the window. Elrond startled by Vanya's sudden happiness bolted up and asked "What happened?" Arwen dropped her book to the floor already seeing the future play before her eyes, her sister's death. 

"I love Thranduil." Vanya spoke out making the twins and her father shocked. "What in Elbereth's name are you talking about?" Elrond asked. "Father I know my life is written on stone and I know the consequences but... I can't live like this. My heart does not belong to Legolas... but it has always belonged to Thranduil." Vanya said.

"What made you feel this way sister? Did he court you while you're here?" Elrohir asked. Vanya shook her head and said "Before you told me of my destiny... about the bloody stone. I danced with Thranduil at the festival back in Rivendell... I did not know who he was, he wasn't wearing his crown and he did not know who I was. He danced with me and even though the dance maybe lasted for an hour or so I fell in love with him."

Elladan furious of his sister's rash decision spoke out "It's never heard of! Either you love the King of the Woodland realm or not he cannot bind with a second elleth." Vanya taken back by her brother's harsh words she held her head up and said "I do not care, he loves me and I he... With or without your blessing I will marry him." Arwen stood up and said "Sister, you are blinded by love that you do not see the danger you are heading to, you've also put the Prince in danger. You are risking both of your lives and making us suffer. Do you know how selfish you sound?" 

"Selfish? I hardly call it selfish sister. For it was not my decision to put a prophecy and make me live I life I truly do not desire." Vanya said as tears filled her eyes. Another voice came into the conversation "No, it was mine." Everyone's eyes darted to the door to find Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn.

Everyone bowed at their presence even Vanya. "I will not allow this marriage." Lady Galadriel spoke. By now, tears were already running down her face. "Even if you try to save me from this fate... if you force me to marry a person that I do not love then I shall fade... either way I will end up in the Halls of Mandos. I've accepted that." Vanya said through tears. 

"My daughter, it is time to think clearly. What do you think Legolas will think of this matter?" Elrond begged. "Legolas agrees with me. He is also in love with someone else and is now pledging himself to her as we speak." Vanya said. Arwen stumbled back into her seat. All eyes were on Vanya and Celeborn spoke "Then we have no choice but to marry you and Legolas this instant." 


Vanya then bolted out the door and ignored the calls of her family. She ran through Thranduil's halls once more but this time with anxiety and hope. Tears still ran down her face as she arrived in the throne room pushing the guards out of her way. Once Thranduil saw Vanya in distress he stood up from his throne and ran towards her. Cupping her face with his hands and wiping the tears away. "My dear Vanya."

"I will be with you... No matter what they say and no matter what happens." Vanya said as she leaned in to the warmth of Thranduil's hand. Thranduil didn't know what to do to take away the pain so instead of saying any words, he pushed his lips gently to hers. Vanya accepted the kiss and felt like one of Mithrandir's fireworks bursting with color in light even when the sky is dark. 

Vanya gripped the muscles of Thranduil as the kiss was coming to an end. They broke apart when someone sneered "Get away from my daughter." Elrond appeared with a sword in his hand. Vanya about to protect Thranduil from her father but was pushed back by Thranduil as he faced now Vanya's entire family. 

"Thranduil stop this nonsense, you know what happens if Legolas and Vanya won't marry." Lord Celebron warned. "Yes I know, it was Vanya's decision long ago to fight this but I was always afraid. If we work together we can--" "It doesn't work that way." Lady Galadriel said. The guards of Thranduil had their weapons up but Thranduil gestured them to lower their weapons. 

"Thranduil do not do this." Arwen begged then Elrond asked "What's the real reason behind courting my daughter?" Everybody then started accusing Thranduil that he had tricked Vanya into loving him but then he shouted "I love her!" 

Silencing everyone. 

"I love Vanya... I love her ever since that day I saw her in Rivendell. My heart belongs to her." Thranduil spoke. "You know why I put the prophecy there Thranduil. I saw it in my mirror, Legolas and Vanya together. They are happy and will bring peace to the world." Galadriel spoke still trying to knock sense into the couple. 

"Let our sister go! You do not love her... You were married once, it does not make sense." Elrohir barked then all hell went loose. Everyone was throwing insults and Thranduil was defending his love one. "Do not tell me I do not love her!" he shouted. Everyone was now shouting and yelling grabbing everyone's attention in the kingdom. Thranduil wrapped his arms around Vanya and her arms rested on his chest. 

When suddenly Vanya winced from a pain that shot through her heart as if someone shot an arrow through her chest. The pain was so enormous that Vanya fainted in Thranduil's arms. Her body went limp in slow motion and all worried eyes were on Vanya but nothing compared to the horror of Thranduil's. Everyone knew it was now happening.

Not only was Thranduil going to lose the one he loves but he will also lose his son. He whispered one word that everyone winced from the pain and sadness coming from his voice,


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