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I have tons of books that are unfinished and need updating. But this story has been itching to be published so I decided to put it as a Christmas gift to all you Thranduil and Legolas Lovers!! Enjoy!

        "In his heart he called her Tinúviel, that signifies Nightingale, daughter of twilight, in the Grey-elven tongue, for he knew no other name for her. And he saw her afar as leaves in the winds of autumn, and in winter as a star upon a hill, but a chain was upon his limbs..."

"Vanya!" Arwen called her older sister, as per usual she found her in her father's library. "The Yule Festival is starting." Vanya's eyes widen as she did not realize it was today. She put down her book, a love story of 'Beren and Luthien' her favorite story of all time. Arwen eyed the book and asked "Is this your 100th time to read that book?" Vanya chuckled and said "No, it is my 78th time to read that... and don't judge me. You haven't read the book yet." as she started walking up to her room with Arwen trailing behind her.

"Why don't you put down your books and join me out there in the world?" Arwen asked, Vanya loved reading books just as her father does but Arwen was more like her mother. She was gifted, the evenstar of her people. While Vanya was just plain old Vanya daughter of Elrond and Celebrain. Vanya sighed as she said "Little sis, I have seen the world enough to keep me satisfied with my books." Lie. Vanya has changed ever since their mother has been taken by orcs, in the end she was fine but she watched her mother sail. Arwen was just a little elfling back then.

Vanya continued on to her room to change, she dressed in a simple white gown. She then went to the courtyard to see people silently talking among themselves with a glass of wine in their hands, soft music filled the air. A few couples dancing. Her eyes then landed on her twin brothers who were talking to other ellons who looked like they are from a different realm, talking about which bow is better. She then saw her younger sister talking to a few ellons, of course! Almost every existing ellon would line up to try to catch the lovely attention of the evenstar. She shook her head as they kept flirting with her sister and her sister is oblivious. Her eyes then landed on her father who was watching his people dance. Vanya smiled and approached her father, "Ada!"

"Ah, Vanya. You have finally graced us with your presence." Elrond greeted as he kissed his daughter's head. "Why don't you dance with ellons?" "That's because no one has asked me, most of the ellons are on their knees begging for my sister." Vanya replied as both of them laughed. "Your sister loves the attention." Elrond sighed. "Who are here?" Vanya asked not recognizing a few elves. "Of course your grandmother and grandfather are here, you and your sister should greet them. A few elves from Ered Luin. The whole Rivendell.... and Greenwood." "Greenwood? Since when do they accept our invitations?" Vanya asked, Greenwood has always been invited to the the festivals and feasts of Rivendell but not even one do they attend not even the biggest feast, Arwen's begetting day.

"A few matters have arrived, you'll learn pretty soon. Now get your sister and go to your grandparents, while I welcome the King of Greenwood." Elrond said as he walked away. Vanya went over to her sister and yanked her away from the drooling ellons. "Hey! That wasn't very nice." Arwen complained but Vanya smiled and said "Ada told us to go to Grandmother." Arwen then smiled and both started making their way towards Galadriel and Celeborn who sat perfectly at a table. "Arwen, Vanya." Celeborn greeted them with a nod while Arwen and Vanya bowed down. Galadriel nodded her head as she stood up and kissed both girls on the head.

"Look how beautiful you've both grown." Galadriel smiled. "I agree." Celeborn added. They talked but once Elrond butted in. Arwen and Vanya decided to watch the people dance as they danced to a fast merry song. Arwen and Vanya laughed as they watch some people people dance perfectly but still some of them looked silly, the ones that were already drunk.

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