The Plan That Benefits Both

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Heather P.O.V.
This plan has nothing that benefits me and I don't want to loose my best friend because of this stupid person who I had a stupid crush on. I knew I would never get him. No one ever gets their crush. But having a crush is magical because at least you can try. Having a crush is also torture, you'll never get them and no one seems better than them.

I reluctantly looked over at Jamie. I looked into his beautiful eyes and glanced up at his flawless hair. His eyebrows were scrunched together in thought. He was thinking of a way that this plan would benefit us both.

"I could fall in love with you during this plan if you join." Jamie said.

I looked back down at my fingers. I began to pick at them, something I do when I'm deep in thought. If I agree to this plan, I could loose pretty much everything. But then again, I hardly do anything for myself. What if he does fall in love with me? We could have a happy ending. I could be happy. And maybe Malia would forgive me. I look back up to see Jamie's hopeful eyes looking at me, examining me for what my answer might be.

"Fine. I'm in." I said.

He held out his hand for me to take and I shook it. He stood up and I followed his step.

"What now?" I asked.

"We pretend date." He said and put his hand in mine.

We walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. Malia and Jase have been in there for a while now, surely they must be done. When we came into the room Jase had Malia close to him. They looked like they had just kissed because they both had idiotic smiles on their faces. They said absolutely nothing and just stared at each other. That is until Jamie cleared his throat. I elbowed him in the ribs and he shot me an icy glare. He just ruined their moment!

"We have an announcement to make!" Jamie said happily.

Well, fake happily. He isn't happy with fake dating me. He'll only be happy when he gets Malia which now looks like he never will.

"We're a couple now!" Jamie said and held both of hands up.

Malia frowned a bit and had her eyebrows scrunched together. She looked confused. Jase had this shine to his eye I haven't seen before and it seemed like his idiotic smile was glued to his face. He looked like he was in a daze. He probably was, considering he just kissed Malia. His all time crush, which he told me one day during lunch through text. I was helping him win her over and it looks like it finally paid off.

"That's great!" Malia said, shaking her head to rid what was running through her mind.

Jamie looked over at me and squeezed my hand. I must not look the part for being newly taken. I straighten up a bit and smile real big and look over at Jamie.

"Aren't I lucky?" I asked and pushed a piece of his hair out of his eye. Jamie smiled that adorable smile that I fell in love with.

Malia just smiled politely. She then looked over at Jase who I now noticed was staring at Malia. Malia cleared her throat and looked back over in our direction.

"We'll be right back in a second." She said.

She grabbed Jase's hand and pulled him towards her bedroom. I looked back over at Jamie who smirked. Why is he smirking? He should be sad. Malia has chosen Jase over him.

"You do realize that Malia chose Jase over you. Right?"

"Yeah. We can just interfere with their relationship instead."

"We? I'm not doing that."

"You're in the plan so you can't back out and you have to what I say so Malia ends up with me! It was part of the secret agreement I had in my head. That you have to agree to every part of the plan."

"Why do I even have a crush on you?" I asked realizing how foolish I was.

"Because I'm so good looking." He said.

I rolled my eyes and began to eat some chips out of the bag Malia must've put out.

I already don't like this plan. I'm also starting not to like Jamie as a person.

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