Best Friend Dead, Possibly Physcopath As a Friend, Possibly

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Malia P.O.V

Well, Jase was the one Jamie was after yet he's the only one of the three to come out alive and not injured. Once I saw Eric walk put with only Jase I knew what must've happened, I lost my best friend or she was injured. By the look on both of their faces I knew she died. That was enough to put me into a daze. Then Jase came and  hugged me tight so I returned the act, making sure to give Eric an apologetic look because this must be highly awkward for him. He just smiled and went back inside. We pulled apart as soon as he left.

"I'm so so so sorry." He said to me.

"For what?" I asked.

"Heather and Jamie." He said.

"Heather wasn't your fault and Jamie was after you first." I said.

Then we heard sirens wailing.

"Just tell them the truth and everything will be ok. I promise." I told him and kissed his cheek.

Within seconds multiple police cars were parked around the house. I'm not crying. I think I'm still in shock. The crime scene tape has been put around Jase's house and yard. The ambulance crew has went inside to retrieve the bodies. After a few moments there was a huge commotion.

"Get blood!" Someone yelled out of Jase's bedroom window.

"What kind!?" Someone called back.

"Blood type B-!" They called back down.

The person quickly ran to the ambulance truck and scrambled up inside of it. The a minute or two later came back out with two bags of the blood. I wonder who it's for. It's not Jase. The only injury he has is one to his emotions, he did just watch someone die and killed someone. Jamie and Heather were declared dead as soon as they had gotten there. They had been busy taking pictures for a while now of the whole entire house.

"One death, one injury!" The same one who called for blood yelled down to us.

My eyebrows came together. One is dead. One is injured. I repeated this several times in my head, trying to believe it. Once I've believed it, I now wonder who's dead and who's injured. Who's dead? Who's injured? I now repeated this over and over again in my head until I came up with an answer. No answer came. I hadn't seen the crime scene so I don't know who had a better chance of survival. I heard Heather had gotten shot in the arm, but she could've bled out and died. I know Jamie had gotten shot, but I have no idea where and neither does Eric or Jase.

Jamie is now sitting next to me on his porch. I'm staring hard at the ground, a little part of me wanting it to give me all the answers that I want and need.

"I thought he was dead." Jase said while looking at Eric.

Eric is currently talking to one of the police officers. They had already questioned me and Eric was the next one in line. Jase goes after him. Eric begins making hand motions, something that I've noticed about him, he can never hold still.

"He never was." I said in a voice that I would've never recognized as my own.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"It was just a science experiment." I said and was now becoming more and more annoyed by the second.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE TO KNOW EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN MY LIFE!" I shout at him and get up from the porch to go for a walk.

I feel kind of bad but I have a right to be a little angry, right? I had just lost my best friend, possibly and now have a psychopath as a friend, possibly. I just shake my head and begin walking. I don't know my destination yet but I guess I'll know soon enough.

"Ma'am you can't leave yet." One of the police officers says to me.

"It's fine. I'll go with her." I hear an all too familiar voice say.

"Be back in thirty minutes." I heard the policemen say.

"Come on." Eric said and out an arm over my shoulders then began pushing me down the street.

"What was that about?" He asked me.

"I don't know. It's too much." I said.

Then I cry. I once again cry. For the second time in one day. And Eric caught me in the act. Once again. He has me in a tight hug and I'm crying into his chest. I don't like Jase anymore. I don't want to date a murderer. I just want a normal life. I want my old life back. With Heather still alive.

"I don't want him anymore. I don't want a murderer." I cried into his chest.

"It was self defense." He said.

"I just want my normal life back."

"Well you're not going to get it back. You have to get through this and you'll have me here to help you."

"Why me?"

"Because you are strong enough to handle it. Now let's continue this walk and act normal. Act like you have your normal life."

I just shook my head in agreement. I just want to chill out and be away from all the madness for a while. As our walk continued, the more I forgot about what happened and we began to joke around. Then his phone began to ring. The police called him and told him we needed to go back. We began to walk back and sadness came back to me. As soon as I got there I saw Jase staring right at me. I really do feel guilty now. He will forgive me though, right? Or will he make it easier for me to get out go this relationship?

I decided to face the problem head on. I began walking to him and he met me halfway. I don't know how to start this so I'll go with what's easier and what comes to mind first.

"I'm sorry." I said and gave him a sad smile.

"This isn't a time to turn against each other, yet that exactly what I did." I said and looked down at his shoes, which were covered with blood so I redirected my eyes to look at the grass.

"It's fine. You may have just lost your best friend and might have a crazy as a friend."

"After this I'm not going to be friends with him." I said.

"If he's alive."

Then, as if on cue, a body bag is being carried out if the house. At this point, all the neighbors have exited their houses to see what's happening. I just want to know how they didn't hear the gunshots. I tried to concentrate on the bag, look at foot size, body size, and size in general. But nothing. I couldn't tell who it was. Then another body was being carried out. The one that's alive. And I can't believe it. I can't believe who survived. I stared wide eyed at the body and begin to cry. Jase takes me into a tight hug and pushes me into Eric's car where Eric is already there. He begins to drive away. All I do is cry.

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