Interrogation Time

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The sight in front of me was a lot to take in. The one person that I never thought was going to leave did and I believed I'd never see them again until now. Now I am seeing them and there is a flurry of emotions in my head right now. There's anger, happiness, and confusion. Anger because he's been alive and I didn't know anything about it. Happiness obviously because he's alive and back here with me. Confusion because I was certain he was done and now he isn't.

Eric still had his smirk and I had tears spilling down my face. He came over to my room and hugged me. I of course hugged him back. We hugged each other with back breaking strength. I could feel the wet spots on his shirt but I honestly don't care. All that I care about right now is that he's back. That's all that matters to me.

"You have a ton of questions to answer." I said against his chest. I felt him laugh.

"I know." He said and broke free from my arms.

He walked over to my bed and sat down. He then patted his lap and I sat down on it. He pulled me to his chest and began rubbing circles on my back to soothe me. The tears have finally stopped coming out of my eyes.

"What's your first question?" He asked me.

"I thought you were dead. It looked like you were dead. So, why aren't you dead?"

"It was a prank... I wanted to see how the world would react to my death and it was only going to be for a day, I swear, but then it turned into more of a science experiment."

"So you never really died?" I was a little angry at him now.

"No. I'm sorry. I really, truly, am." He said.

"It's fine. I don't want to be mad at you. I just got you back."

"Good." Eric said and squeezed me closer to him.

"So you're back for good now?" I asked him.


"Who all knew about this?"

"The cops and my mom along with the science teacher."

"So you aren't really officially dead. Like not recorded as dead?"

"Correct. I'm still alive to everyone but the people who don't need to know."

"I really want to slap you right now." I said looking up at him.

"I don't blame you." He chuckled.

"When are you telling everyone else?"

"They'll know when I get to school and present my science experiment."


"So what has happened while I was 'gone'?"

"Well, I practically was emotionally unstable Heather and Jamie are dating and I'm dating Jase."

"Wow. That's a lot."


I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt when I told him I was dating Jase. I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes but he quickly recovered. I'm just glad he's not dead. I'm a little mad but I will look past that because I've missed him so much. I will never let him out of my sight again! Ok, they may have been an exaggeration.

"I should go." Eric said while getting up from my bed.

"No, stay." I said.

He looked over at me with his eyebrows together in confusion. I just got him back and he wants to leave after ten minutes of talking. That's not going to happen. Especially if I have something to do with it.

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