Hot and Annoying✔️

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I woke up to the sound of the most wonderful sound possible. The Teen Wolf theme song. I was just happy it wasn't SpongeBob this time, or I would've lost it right then and there. I must've fell asleep in middle of an episode or something.

I decided to get out of bed, and managed to not fall out of my bed this time. I got ready in a breeze and threw on a cute outfit. I had chosen a white lacy shirt with black high waisted shorts.

I went downstairs and grabbed a granola bar. It was my typical breakfast, weekend or week day. It never mattered. I retrieved my school bag and headed out the door.

The school was close to my house, so I didn't bother with a bike or car. I have two pairs of working legs and don't see why I should waste time with it. I do take my car sometimes if I have somewhere to be after school or if I'm going to a sporting event.

"Hey!" Eric called from behind me.

Apparently I'm not the only one walking to school today.

What should I do? I could always ignore him, that seems like a good tactic for me to use. A part of me began to panic, and that part began to grow and grow. The hottest guy I've ever seem is trying to talk to me. He's also probably the most annoying. I settled for walking faster, maybe out walking him by chance.

Then my hopes disappear as I hear his feet pounding onto the ground, indicating he was running to catch up with me.

"Hi." He said to me, panting and now by my side.

I slow my pace since I'm not going to run away from him.

"Hi." I grumble and stare straight ahead.

"Why aren't you happy to see me?" He asked with an innocent face.

"You are the most annoying person in the world." I stated.

"Don't forget the hottest." He winked at me. There wasn't even a hesitation.

"Why must you act this way?"

"What way?"


"You're still mad about the cap eraser." He stated with amused eyes.

I ignored him.

"So you really are." He stated thoughtfully.

"And you really are annoying." I mumbled.

He began to laugh. Not he normal kind of laugh, but the hardcore scary laugh that makes you fear a person. I look over at him and he finally settles down.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked once he was almost completely done laughing.

"Because you said I was annoying." He laughed a little more and I just looked at him.

He calmed down and noticed, looking over at me.

"Wait, you weren't kidding?" He asked, looking over at me with sadness hidden in his eyes.

I just nodded to answer his question.

"You can't judge me yet. You don't even know me." He said with a sassy voice, causing me to giggle a little. "Awe, you actually laughed at one of my jokes."

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