Mom's New Discovery

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It's been a week now that Eric has been back "alive" to me. I've kept my promise to him and haven't told anyone that he really didn't die. I should charge him for this. Maybe $30? Eh, he chose me so I guess that's good enough. My relationship with Jase is ok. I guess. Since Eric came back I haven't paid much attention to it. I should probably start paying attention, because he might suspect something's up and then I'd have to tell him the truth.

Jase and I are middle of a movie date right now at his house his house is actually pretty nice and this is my first time over at his house. His parents are extremely nice and friendly. They obviously have no problem with us or with me. There is no reason this relationship shouldn't work out. Unless I have a problem with it. Or he does. Which I don't think he does. For now, I'll stay in this relationship.

I hadn't noticed but he had stopped the movie and was looking me with a concerned look. I slowly looked over at him and smiled. He smiled back lightly but worriedly.

"Are you ok?" He asked after he stopped smiling.

"Yeah, why?"

"You've been acting distant lately."

Uh oh. He has noticed my behavior. I have two options now, break up with him or lie to him, and neither sound appealing to me. I just kinda shrug my shoulders and push my hair behind my ears.

"Nope. I've just been tired lately."

"Oh." He said and smiled at me once more.

I smiled back and he resumed the movie. I'm supposed to meet Eric in my room in two hours. I need to make cookies and get ice cream before I meet him. That would take at least one hour so u can stay with Jase for one more hour. I look over at him and he's laughing at something that happened in the movie so I smile to make it seem like I'm laying attention and am amused.

I pull out my phone from my hoodie's pocket and press the home button. I have several unread messages from Eric. They all say to hurry up and that he has something important we need to discuss. I shudder at the thought. What's going to happen? What does he want to talk about? I shake my head and look over at Jase.

"Hey, I have to leave. My mom needs me at home." I lie.

"Ok." He said while pausing the movie.

"Bye." I said and kissed his cheek.

He walked me to my car and kissed my cheek before lightly closing my car door. He waved goodbye as I backed out if the driveway. I honked my horn, my way of saying my final goodbye. I made my way the closest store that I knew had ice cream. I bought a big container of vanilla, I know bland but we can add toppings to it, and bought chocolate chip cookies.

I pulled into my driveway fifteen minutes later and see that my bedroom light is on. Eric needs to start being careful about what he does. He's going to get caught and he told me he doesn't want to be. I rolled my eyes at his stupid mistake and went inside.

"I'm back!" I yelled so whoever was home at the moment knew that I was back.

I made my way to the kitchen and got two bowls, two spoons, one ice cream scooper, and two glasses of water. Carrying all of this makes me wish I had more than two arms. Or some assistance. Mostly assistance because if people had more than two arms we'd be considered aliens and everyone would have to evacuate the plant. I need to stop watching weird shows with Eric.

I went upstairs and knocked our secret code that let's him know it's me and he knocks back his secret code to let me know he's in there. I open the door with my feet since it's the only thing that is free and almost loose my balance. Almost. I caught myself before I fell. Eric grabbed some of the stuff and then, after I caught myself, the water spilt all over Eric on the front side. I begin to laugh and drop the cookies I had in my hand Eric's eyes are big and I don't understand why he isn't laughing until I look behind me.

Behind me is my mother. Her eyes are huge and mine soon grow huge too. After weeks of hiding Eric from almost everyone, we had finally mad a mistake and got caught. My mom shakes her head and I begin to explain.

"Mom, it was a science experiment..."

"That's one cruel experiment." She says and glares at Eric

"Do you realize what you've done to the community, to the people, to my daughter?" She says as eyes begin to spill from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, it sounded like a good idea at first...."

"Then you must be really stupid." My mom spat back at him.

"I came out of hiding for her. I saw how much she was suffering..."

"I don't care. You should've thought about all of this before you acted. Don't come back in this house. If you do, I'll call the police."


"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" My mom screamed at him.

At this point tears were falling relentlessly from my eyes and Eric too was beginning to cry. He looked at me and shook his head, letting me know it was ok. He climbed out of my window and through his own until he was in his bedroom. Once he got in he closed the curtains after giving me a sad smile. I looked at my mom who was obviously mad but was still crying.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whispered.

"Because it was a science experiment. Everyone knew about it like his parents, police, and teachers!"

"That still doesn't excuse his actions."

"No, but I'd rather have him alive than dead. That's why I forgave him."

"Don't talk to him. Don't even look his way". My mom said and left my room.

After she slammed my door closed I fell to the floor and began to cry. Everything has caught up to me now. All the lies. I'll have to come clean to Jase soon. Wouldn't I?

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