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Let's get back together for our sake

Without a strong bond, this band is a fake

Whenever we're together, we fight

And that's wrong not right

Let's regroup, let's retry

It would be nice and you wouldn't deny

Our minds are holding us back

To be honest, right now our train is off the track

Us together, there's nothing we can't do

But first we have to get out of our own goo

If we continue the way we are now, we'll be done

The columns will fall and we will turn into a bad pun

You guys are what was missing

Let's regroup, because it's ourselves we're dismissing

Together we're stronger

And we'll last longer

We're sinking in our own quicksand

That is more than our band can withstand

We used to be grand, when we would all stand

But that's only if we work together to expand

Let's regroup, let's become the best

Because it's talent we possessed

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