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{Toby's dream}

I fell asleep later than usual, and Slender wasn't as mad as he usually would be. I was in a dark room, the floor was cold and the walls were wide, like a basement. I stood up from my crouching position. I looked around for a light till something lit up behind me. Turning my head I saw Masky tied to a podium. He was struggling and screaming, you need to know what my first reaction was, I ran towards him, I was about to reach him when something sharp wrapped around my neck. I started coughing as something behind me strangled me with what seemed like wires. Masky was still screaming at me to get up and help but I couldn't I coughed blood as the wire dug into my skin.

I screamed bloody murder as I started to shake in defeat, my neck gave off large amounts of blood, my mouth coughing some of it up too. I choked and slapped my arms on the ground, I put my hands on the wire and started to pull them out, but nothing, my head fell back and the last thing I saw was a man in normal attire, blond hair, red eyes and black skin.

{Masky POV}

I woke up to the sound of screaming. I am pretty sure everyone else did to, it felt like the house was shaking but not that much, possibly not even. I got up to see Hoodie making his way to the door. I rushed over by him and we opened the door and peaked out to see Slender in Toby's room and everyone outside of the room and looking pretty worried.

"Is everything okay?" I said sarcastically, knowing nothing was alright. "You tell me." Jeff pointed inside Toby's room. "What happened?" "We don't know, Slender said he 'senses' something and it was making Toby scream." LJ yawned. "Well I am gonna check." I started to walk towards the door when Sally chipped in. "Slender said no one can go in there." She said innocently. "Oh yeah? Well I am a proxy, Hoodie is a proxy, Toby is a proxy. We are a team. And I am checking out what is wrong." I opened the door to see Slender cradling Toby in his arms, it looked like all hell broke loose but all turned out normal.

"Uh.. Slender?" I walked in with Hoodie. "Masky, what are you doing I thought I told everyone to stay out." Sternly he replied. "I know I just, what happened to Toby?"

A Sum Of All Fears (Toby x Masky)Where stories live. Discover now