Save Him!

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{Toby POV}

I heard a loud bang, then a metal clanking noise. I started to cough, my hearing was going down. I opened my eyes to see Masky had grabbed me and started talking to me. I put my hand onto my stomach to find blood, and a bullet hole. I, was shot, I can't believe this IM GONNA DIE!! I coughed out more blood  and smiled at Masky.

"Just in a nick of time... Tim." I collapsed into him chest and slowly blacked out. He was warm and embraced me, yelling at EJ to help him. Slender was trying to examine my wound, but Masky wouldn't let go of me, just sobbed into my hair and prayed.

I didn't know what was really going on but I was eventually released from Masky's grab and was taken to EJ's 'hospital room'. I closed my eyes, it was all happening to fast for me. The bullet wound was giving off large amounts of blood I was getting dizzy. I looked down from the bed I was lay on, and saw Sally crying into Jeff's pant sleeve. The Silencer got bandages ready and Sammy started to treat my wound with EJ *(Sammy and the Silencer are my OC's, just wanted to point that out.)* I let out a breath before Sammy placed a breathing mask onto my mouth, a and tubes were placed up my nose to help breathing. It then all grew dark.

{Masky POV}

Toby was shot, and it was all my fault. I didn't know what else to do he pleaded for me to tie him up and for us to run. I sobbed into my hand as Hoodie leaned on my back trying to comfort me. Toby had slipped into a coma and was loosing to much blood. Sally was crying right next to me. I looked down at my feet as I let tear drops slide down my face. Toby has been through so much and we don't know what is doing this even.

I saw Jeff slide his head under mine. Looking down I covered my eyes and clenched my jaws shut. He frowned the best he could and brought his head back out.

I don't know what we are waiting for, waiting for those heartbreaking words that will ruin our lives. Stating that Toby is d-d-d-dead. I sobbed even more just thinking about it hurt more. Maybe he will be okay. I started to hear shouts coming from the room Toby was in.

'His face is turning purple he needs more oxygen!' EJ yelled out to Nurse Ann. I stopped sobbing and listened more.

'He's loosing to much blood, Sammy we need more pressure!'

'It's not working!'

'Sammy, play something to keep us on track.' I started to hear piano music going to the beat of the song 'I can't stop'

'More oxygen!' hiccupped when all went silent. No one said a word, not even anyone in the room Toby was in.

{Toby POV}

I fell asleep in the worst possible moment. But what I woke back up to was a shock. I was in a dark area and I saw a light glowing at the far right. I started to walk towards it, but then I felt as if someone was following me. I started to run towards the light. I turned my head to see darkness getting closer, like as if it were black hands trying to catch up to me. I turned my head back as the hands started to grab onto me and pull me away. I saw white hands come out of the light and try and grab me. I reached out but couldn't make it.

I slid back into the darkness.

A Sum Of All Fears (Toby x Masky)Where stories live. Discover now