Loss (Or is it)

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{Masky POV}

I watched as Sammy, EJ, Nurse Ann, and The Silencer walked out of the room Toby was in. Sammy just looked around and took a seat were she could. Trying to avoid touching anyone (Autistic people don't like to be touched.) EJ sat next to me. Nurse Ann walked back into the room. I looked over at EJ and whispered something in my ear.

"Toby.. is dead." I stopped and thought for about ten or fifteen seconds and tried to hold back tears. I answered him.

"C-can I see him?" EJ nodded and walked into the room with me tailing him.

I walked in there and it look at Toby, he still had the breathing mask on. His hair was stuck to his forehead and he looked like he was holding his stomach. Bandages covered his wrists and stomach. His ankles to.

"Why does he have bandages on hi wrists? He was shot in the stomach." I tried to sound brave.

"I will leave you alone with him, and you can find out for you're self." EJ exited the room. I pulled up a chair and sat next to Toby. I slowly unbandaged his wrists to see cut marks all along his arm up to his shoulder. I choked on my breath and unbandaged the other one. Same thing. I stared at Toby and set my mask on the table next him. I started to cry once more. Holding onto his hand.

He's dead, he's really dead. I couldn't help but say those words over and over again. hoping it wasn't true, of course, it was.  I held his hand in my hand and cried into the bed sheets. I squeezed his hand hard.

I didn't want it to end this way.. not for him. I never got to tell him I love him. I cried even more. He doesn't deserve this. I squeezed his hand again, like I could bring him back, but I couldn't he was already gone.

Suddenly I felt a squeeze back. Beep        Beep          Beep. The monitor showed a steady heart rate. I coughed and looked down to see Toby open his eyes and smile at me. 

A Sum Of All Fears (Toby x Masky)Where stories live. Discover now