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{Masky POV}

I ran through the forest trying to spot Toby, or what may be left of him, considering the blood. I stumbled on a tree root and slid on the ground. I put my arms in front of me and pushed myself up. Turning my head I saw Toby in the mud about a yard away. I quickly got to my feet and ran towards him, he wasn't moving, nor did it look like he was breathing. I felt my heart rush to my chest as I fell to my knees by side of him. He had blood splattered on his face, mixed with mud. I felt hot tears well as I looked down to see broken glass in his arms and legs. I coughed out tears and looked back at his face.

He still had the blood splatters but his face was bruised and it looked like he had been crying, even pleading for his life maybe. I buried my head in his neck. He was still warm, I closed my eyes letting tears fall down freely. I held his hand tightly and I coughed and sniffed. Suddenly, he squeezed my hand back. I opened my eyes and looked at Toby. He showed no signs of consciousness, so I squeezed his hand again.

Surely enough he squeezed back. I smiled and picked him up, he has got to be alive. As I tried raising my self to my feet with Toby in my arms, I heard a voice.

'Toby. Is. MINE' I was shoved to the ground, looking up I saw nothing I coughed again before I saw Hoodie and EJ in the distance. I hurriedly started shouting for them. I looked down at Toby, knowingly I got their attention, I raised myself to my feet.

"Masky, did you find him?" EJ asked, playing stupid.

"I'm holding him." I said blankly.

"Oh yeah.. sorry." He scratched his neck.

"W-we h-have g-g-great n-news!" Hoodie stuttered.

"What is it?"

"Slender is home."

A Sum Of All Fears (Toby x Masky)Where stories live. Discover now