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{No one's POV}

It had been 5 days after Toby broke down, everyone has been talking to him, asking what is wrong. He never answered them with a straight answer, just mumbling 'I can't tell you'. He started to drift away from everyone and go out doing his own thing. Masky noticed most of the changes, but when he wanted to test Toby, he didn't expect to make matters worse.

{Masky POV}

I was sitting on the couch looking at my notes. Nothing interesting was going on, it was just me and BEN, sitting downstairs early in the morning. I counted each second and minute Toby came downstairs. I was gonna see if I could make him do something for me, I didn't like seeing Toby depressed and helpless, like he was a prisoner.

I heard heavy footsteps from Toby walk downstairs, probably forgetting his orange handle hatchet and coming to get it. I looked at Toby as he picked up his hatchet from the kitchen table. I put my notes down and got Toby's attention.

"Hey Toby, I need you to pick up my pills at the pharmacy down the street." I could hear him respond but not to me, then he looked up and shook his head 'no'. "Please, dude I really need them, and I have a lot of work to do." He sighed and mumbled what I think to be an 'okay' but I wasn't sure.

"Here" I gave him 15$, not having a real prescription I half to buy the medicine from the counter, I really hate having Toby touch my medicine, so I really hope he doesn't touch them, not even the bottles, just the bag.

I turned my head as he walked towards the door, I don't know what he picked up but he grabbed something on the table while he was there. He shakily opened the door and put his goggles up, moving his mask off.

{Toby POV}

I didn't want to go get Masky's pills, the voices said I shouldn't, but then the dark voice said no. I didn't wanna disobey them, but Masky was pleading for me to get them, so I sighed and agreed, taking the money out of his hands. I slipped my hand on the table and grabbed Hoodie's gun, slipping it into my pocket. I wanted to be in and out in no time.

My illusions are getting so realistic I don't wanna slip into one in public. I hadn't talked to the pasta's in awhile, just tried to ignore them, I don't want them to fall into the same problem I'm in, being haunted by something I can't see.

I set the money down in a compartment in the car, we had some kind of car, apparently one of the pasta's used to drive, I don't know who though. I took a seat in the drivers seat, starting the car, I drove out of the woods, making my way to the pharmacy.

'This better be worth our day' 'You better not get the pills just for him' 'You sick freak do you hear me?'

I growled under my breath as the dark voice spoke to me with hatred.

"Yes, I hear you jackass." I replied with a smirk as I pulled into the pharmacy. I grabbed the money and walked into the pill filled space. It was pretty empty when it came to people, only a dude and his wife, who were apparently under to much pills. I started looking for pain-killers, Vicodin, Prinvil, Zithromax, and Sythroid. *(Random pills I found with a google search XD)*

I walked down the aisles and looked for the last thing I need, Sythroid. I finally gave up and decided to ask the man at the desk. I held the pills and put them on the counter.

"Where is the Sythroid?" I asked blankly.

"We are not in stock for people buying, we are getting a shipment next week."

"That's to long, got anything in the back maybe?" I tried pushing him further into getting me what I want.

"Nope sorry. Only for people with sickness." The man replied.

"Fine." I withdrew my gun and pointed it at the man's head. The two costumers looked in shock the retreated to their cars to call the police. I slid my mask on, along with my goggles. I put my finger on the latch.

"I will do this my way." I fire the gun.

A Sum Of All Fears (Toby x Masky)Where stories live. Discover now