The Same Dream

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{Masky POV}

Toby stood there with his eyes smaller and his smile wider than usual. I am really starting to worry about him, he has been more distant and doesn't touch anyone anymore. Slender says it should be over soon, that he is in a 'phase' but that is not it. He goes into shock if you get near him now.

I started to walk towards Toby, bout time I get answers from him. I startled him as I said his name. Walking towards him he started to tense up. He made his move towards the front door. I quickened my pace and grabbed his wrist before he left. He whimpered and started saying 'sorry' over and over again. Putting his head in my chest he pleaded for an apology. Wow, I expected him to lash out at me and yell, not plead.

{Toby POV}

I had gotten a new message from the voice in my head, saying if anyone touch me they would see my nightmares, and they will watch me die over and over. I was shocked out of my thoughts by Masky's voice. Turning around I saw him walking towards me. I hesitantly ran for the door. I twisted the knob until Masky's hand grasped around my wrist. Oh NO! I started to bawl, I can't believe it had to be Masky! I started to shout I'm sorry, and put my head into his chest trying to make me feel better, he just stood there, shocked.

{Masky POV and Time Skip}

I got into my pajamas, a orange T-shirt and red boxers. Hoodie was already asleep, I could hear Toby pace on his floor, then hit his bed, dead asleep. I opened my covers and took my mask off, laying down. I fell asleep.

{Dreamland with Masky}

I opened my eyes to see I was tied to a metal bar. I looked up to see nothing but black. I could hear footsteps and my eyes grew small. Suddenly, a light turned on above me, and making a path to show a person. I blinked a couple of times and saw Toby, he looked shocked and started to run towards me. I shouted out trying to make him go faster, but then. A man came in behind Toby and grasped a wire around his neck. I started to freak out not know what to do.

Then I woke up. Panting. Was this what Toby sees?

A Sum Of All Fears (Toby x Masky)Where stories live. Discover now