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{Masky POV}

I woke up from a nightmare panting. Of course, waking up Hoodie. "W-what's w-w-wrong?" He crawled over to my bed. "Just a nightmare." "A p-pretty s-severe o-o-one." He smiled and went back to his bed.

"Yeah, a severe one." Suddenly I heard screams from Toby. I quickly got up and sprinted to the door, Hoodie not far behind. I opened the door and sprinted to Toby's room, I didn't really think about if he was having a dream or if something was happening to him physically. I rammed into the door, Jeff starting to help too. The door was locked, Toby never locks it before bed, just in case he needs to get up and kill, or if Slender is giving him a night job.

Before I knew it I heard the sound of breaking glass. I started pounding harder, with Jeff and E.J. Finally the door opened. I looked up to see Toby's room in a mess, his bed was flipped, blood trails, a broken window, and a broken mirror with black ooze on it. I heard Sally gasp as E.J walked inside the room with me.

"Looks like a crime seen." Jeff commented.

"Yeah, but there is one thing missing. The victim." I replied.

{Toby POV and Time turn back}

I woke up with the same dream I had when I was supposedly in a coma. I raised my head and got up. Putting my feet on the cold floor I walked over to the bathroom. Opening the door and turning the lights on I looked at myself in the mirror. I sighed and started running water up onto my face.

I stopped and looked up. What I saw freaked the living crap out of me. I saw the same person from my dream, Blond hair, red eyes, black skin, normal attire. I stumbled back and screamed out.

"What's wrong? Not happy to see me~" He questioned me. "N-no, you just.. surprised me!" I lied, but he could tell I was.

"Was there ever a mistake in you? To lie to you're own blood?" He smiled. "B-blood?" I shuddered. "Yes, blood. Don't you recognize me?" He smiled and started to shift into what looked like a normal person. My eyes grew big as I realized who he was. My... father.

"H-how?" I stuttered before screaming a second time, this one louder. I picked up my fist and cracked the mirror. Leaving blood and a black liquid. "You are making me see these things?!" I shouted and ran out of the room.

"Toby, you can't hide from destiny." He smiled as he followed me into the second mirror in my room. "D-destiny?" "Yes, Toby. Start thinking up you're 'family's' death list!" He laughed. I raised my fist and closed my left eye.

"No. I. Wont!" I shouted and brought my fist into the mirror once more. My voice started to change and I felt more angry. I started to growl at myself for telling Slender to help me with this, not try and ignore it! No, I couldn't have known, how could I? I could have tried harder!

I started to shake, the voices decide, don't they? I felt myself slam into the bed by a force. I looked up to see my dad come into form. Picking me up he punched my nose in. I started the whimper as I felt the blood go down my mouth. I looked up, he threw me to the ground showing hatred. I looked up and felt my collar tighten. Then I was thrown into the window, breaking it. I looked at my dad as he stood at the window looking down at me as I fell.

I hit the ground but felt nothing, it knocking the wind out of me, was harder to get up. I struggled to my feat as my dad disappeared. I started to run into the forest, the voices following me.

"You can't stop it" "Yes I can!" "Stop trying." Never!!" Falling onto my knees I hit the mud. I started to cry and soon blacked out.

A Sum Of All Fears (Toby x Masky)Where stories live. Discover now