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For every one who read Conflicted, thank you so much! It took a while, but I finally finished it.

Sad to say, though, that I didn't like the book and I wasn't happy with the come out at all.

The plot and story line were sloppy and very unreal. I started when I hadn't had much experience in writing. But, because of this, I am editing and changing this book. Instead of deleting the whole thing like I was going to, I decided to just rename it and make a new story out of it.

So, if you read Conflicted, you might want to reread because the story is going to change drastically.

If you liked Conflicted, I'm sorry. But I am absolutely DISGUSTED at my work and can't let it sit in my face any longer.

My biggest goal is to take my readers through an emotional roller coaster with this book. The last book didn't have much emotion, so that's going to change. I've grown as a writer and I want to show that with this story.

(I also have a bwwm teen romance that I'm writing so go check that out ;P)

For the new readers: there will be comments in the comment section that refer to Conflicted and NOT GABRIEL. I just wanted to point that out. Since, yes, I am indeed redoing the book, I AM NOT deleting the previous comments, votes or reads.

I think that's all for now!

So, with out further adieu, here's GABRIEL. (:


My name is Gabriel Abi Mary. I am twenty-three years old now, and I have a story.

When I was thirteen years old, I was sent to my fifth foster home, but this one was different from the others.

I lost my family at a young age; I was only seven. I was sent into foster care since my grand parents on my mother's side lived in India and the ones on my father's side were both dead. My mom was an only child and my father had one brother, but we'll talk about him later. Other than him, I had no aunts or uncles.

In the first five foster homes, they all thought something was wrong with me. They just kept telling my social worker that I needed to find somewhere new to go.

I stayed in this particular foster home for years, much longer than all the others. They were abusive, they were awfully mean, and they treated me like shit on the bottom of their shoes.

But, out of that home, a young woman sprouted. And I am very proud to call myself that young woman.

Instead of blabbing on and on about it, I've written it, and I want to share it.

So, here's my story.

This is GABRIEL.


comment, vote & share. (:

GABRIEL. (UNDER CRITICAL EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now