Chapter 2

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Two updates in two days?? What?! Lol, don't get used to it.


Fun Fact: I hate using nicknames. I call everyone by their full name except Amber.

I'm in my dark room, still laying in bed. My television and light are both turned off and the sun hasn't began to rise yet. It's five in the morning and I'm about to start getting ready for school until I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in," I say. In walks Bethany's new boy friend, Wade, who stayed the night last night. I have to admit, he's fine as hell. He has this silky looking dark brown hair, hazel colored eyes and a really nice body.

"Uh, hi," he says awkwardly. He doesn't look at me, and I guess that's because of what I'm wearing. My usual pajamas are a sports bra and short shorts. He looks down at the floor before beginning to speak again. "Bethany wanted me to come in here and get something from you."

"And what would that be?" I ask.

"Some blush," he answers. I stand up and walk over to my dresser, grabbing the large box that contained all of my blushes.

"Oh yea. Here you go," I say, handing him the box. He smiles real pretty, then leaves.

I have to admit: if he wasn't Bethany's I'd be all over him.

I'm getting ready and decide to go for a more casual look today. I'm wearing a cream button down, dark blue skinny jeans, and some cream Oxford flats. I leave my afro out and apply a thin layer lip gloss to my lips. I apply my make up (everything except blush, of course,) and look myself over. Decent.

I walk out of the house and to my bus stop to wait for the bus. The only thing on my mind right now is the detention, and then I remember what Mitchell told me yesterday. I forgot to ask Bethany if she'd pick me up from school today. I guess I'll have to walk, considering I don't have any friends.

I get on the bus and before I know it, we're at the school. I walk inside, grabbing a cereal bar and flavored water from a nearby vending machine, before scooting off to my locker. I grab my journals and head straight to first block.

I seriously don't know why in the hell I signed up to take IB English first thing in the morning; I'm not even awake yet.

"Hey, I like your hair," this one girl compliments me. She's a cute short Indian girl and she has long silky black hair.

"Thanks," I say, walking past her desk toward the back.

The class was boring, as usual, but relatively easy. A lot of my classes are easy for me. I really have nothing better to do nowadays other than study, so that's what I do, almost twenty-four-seven. I make outstanding grades, if I do say so myself. It's ironic, because I hate school, but it's something that I've always done. My parents loved that about me. They always said "You're going to be our little lawyer or doctor." and I'd always smile.

I've never been a bad kid. Bad things just happen to me.


The school day went by fast enough. Lunch was it's routine staleness and the classes were their routine boring-ness.

I walk into the library, which is where they hold detention, and take a seat. There aren't many people in here, and there shouldn't be; it is only the third day of school. I can't count the amount of times I mentally beat myself up last night for getting stupid detention. Detention is somewhere that delinquent students end up. I'm certainly not perfect-no where near it-but I've never gotten a detention.

The principal walks into the library at 2:25 on the dot, the exact time that detention starts. He dramatically slams his clipboard on the checkout counter, staring at all of us intently. There's a look of somewhat disgust on his face as he looks all of us over. He hands the clipboard off to the nearest person to him. The guy gives him a confused face; I'm guessing he hasn't been in detention either.

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