Chapter thirteen

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"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! You retard! Why did you bring me in here!?!?!?" I was laughing so hard, I was screaming so hard, I was clutching my ribs so hard I must of had bruises.

We walked down the hall, crashing into walls as it was too dark to see. I was holding on to Dalton's arm so I wouldn't lose him. I started to scream as something slithered up my leg.

"HOLY MOTHER OF MACARONI!" Dalton screamed the girliest scream I have ever heard in my life, and it was all because of a bright flashing light showing millions of spiders against the walls. I remembered now, Dalton was always aracnaphobic. So was I! But not as badly as he was!

I grabbed both of his arms and pinned him up against the wall where the spiders were, he started to freak out, I was trying to calm him down while the flashing lights didn't make it any better.

"shhhh! shhh! it's okay, look," I told him when he finally stopped screaming. I put my hand up against the wall, well, glass, there was a glass wall inbetween the real wall, which held the millions of spiders in all sorts of sizes.

"See? it's just an opitical illusion!" I told him, I felt him loosen, so I let go of his arms. He held his hand up to the glass, and mumbled, "Illusions my @$$, you creepy crawlers scared the hell out of me!" he slapped the glass lightly.

I saw the oppurtunity, and I took it. I almost cried of laughter from his reaction, "O-M-G Dalton there is a spider on your arm!!!!!!!!!!" I screeched.

This is how he looked like:

He looked at me, then his eyes widened into donuts.

He started to jump up and down, shaking his whole body, punching and slapping his arms.

He took of his shirt and started batting him self.

The whole time,

he was screaming like a little girl.

I was on the floor, crying, I was laughing so hard, he finally realized it was a joke, then he gave a a glare.

If looks could kill, I'd probably be dead right now.

He picked me up by my feet and hung me upside down, my hair was falling everywhere and I tried to hold my shirt up from falling all the way up, or I guess down. I was still laughing.

"You know I am scared of spiders! Oh you are so dead!" He started to walk out of the haunted house, still holding me by my feet, he flung me over his shoulder,  he still was shirtless.

I was still laughing, half heartidly trying to hit him on the back, choking, "!"

People were staring at us as we walked by, I didn't care, it was nice to have my old best friend back. He walked me over to a fountain...

Oh no, oh no no no no! He was not!

He was. He dipped me in the fountain, I choked underneath the water, he pulled me back up and I was still laughing, I was also screeching at him, "You douche bag! You faggot! You messed up my hair!" I couldn't yell it with a straight face, I was laughing and grinning like crazy.

"Not until you say it!"

I groaned, "Do I have to?"

"Oh yes"

"Fine, Dalton hills is the greatest person on earth ever. Especialy better than me"

"hah, never get's old."

He set me down on the bench.

My shirt was soaked through, my hair was stringy and dripping wet. Gladly, my other half was dry.

"and that," he said wiping his hands off his jeans, "is called revenge, by Dalton Hills," he smiled at me and sat down.

We just sat there, I was ringing my hair while he was pulling his hands behind his head. His phone vibrated, and he pulled it out, he started to text someone...

I saw this as my oppurtunity. I didn't care who was around us, there were probably hundreds of people at the carnival. I could see the bearded lady near by.

I grabbed the empty popcorn  bucket beside me, filled it up with water, and SPLOOSH! I poured it slowly over Dalton's blonde head.

His biever, oh sorry, bieber hair, was drenched and runny. Half his shirt was soaked, and he was clenching his phone in his fists.

I ditched and ran towards the roller coaster, 'mean 'n' screamin'.

Looked scary enough, it was a huge, white roller coaster with three loop the loops. I waited in the long line, four people lined up behind me when Dalton finally got into the line. He looked at me with an evil grin.

"It is so on!" he yelled at me. I just smiled and waved at him.


Four roller coasters, two bumper cars, and twenty other rides later, I was standing two people ahead of Dalton at the ferris wheel. I was nervously tapping my hand against my leg, what if he caught up to me? He can't. It's only two people per chair thingy...

I showed the guy my wrist band, then hopped on to the seat, that was when the couple behind me, let Dalton ahead of them. Just my luck.

he was grinning like a mad man when he entered our red chair. We were both damp, almost dry, and I would bet anything we were sticky as hell from all the candy we'd eaten.

The worker boy, was dressed in a white apron, a red a white striped shirt, and was wearing one of those flat round hats. He pulled down our safety bar, and sent us up.

"Finally, I caught up to you," he said putting his arms behind his head. His blue eyes were sticking out in the moonlight. It got darker as we were reaching the top, but the moonlight made if capable of seeing.

We paused at the top, great, my luck. Just like in the movies, I would get stuck at the top with this guy.

We looked out at the carnival and the ocean. It was beautiful, the millions of rides, and hundres of people below, then a tarped wall, and there was the beach and the ocean, with calm waves overlapping the sand.

I looked at Dalton, I met his eyes, we just kind of stared at eachother like that, for I don't know how long. I didn't notice he slipped his hand in mine....

He was leaning in closer, he whispered something, it sounded like, "eye wouve vou" I couldn't quite hear him with the loud noise of people below.

He was leaning closer, that was when the ferris wheel started moving again.


Okay guys, this was one of my fav chapter so far! the next chapter will be detecated to MORGAN SMITH! LUV U GIRLY!

please please please!



-gnolab11 :)

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