Chapter eighteen

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WHAT'S HOT #487!!!!!!! okay, so I may be excited over nothing....but thank u guys so much!!! my goal was just to get a hundred people reading. Well I did XD I love u all!!! In return, I am going to make this chapter a super duper long one! No, I will make it decent. But I will post THREE chapters today.

Heres a little sneak peak of each:

Chapter 17: Talking to police, another close encounter with a missing person, and THE BOYS soccer game. dun dunanana!

Chapter 18: When Patrick, Dalton, and Cooper are hanging out at Oakridge's beach and they hear screaming underneath the dock, the go to check whats going on and find a trapped door which they can't open

Chapter 19: they open the trap door..............

You know my ex that I kept telling you guys bout? Well Taylor swifts song THe story of us is totally telling my life right now. HE wont even answer me....I need to talk to him. I still want to be his best friend like we used to be... :(

So many things that you wish that you wish I knew but the story of us might be ending soon so im standing alone in a crowded room and were not speaking and im dying to know is it killing you like its killing me yeah....

Okay. enough blabbering!!

Here is chappy 18


After Taylor and I talked for a little while, she fell unconcious again and I decided it was time for me to leave. Since I didn't bring my car I called Cooper to see if he could pick me up, classes were over for the day anyways as I checked my watch. It was 4:13 pm.

I waited in front of the hospital and watched the cars drive by, I started counting the number of cars that were red. Dalton and I would play this game when we were little, his house was on a hill and we could see the highway so we would sit smack on the edge of the hill and count the number of specific cars. One day we saw a car entirely covered in grass!

"Yo Patrick!" my thoughts were interrupted when I saw Cooper drive up to my bench. I got up and grabbed the bag I had and jumped into the passengers seat of his truck.

"Thanks Cooper, for picking me up on such sort notice," I was grateful.

"eh, no problem. So anywhere you want to go before we head back to the campus?"

He started pulling out of the hospital parking lot and I looked back at the big grey building, I looked up at the third floor and there was a young boy staring outside at the world looking like he was trapped. I all of a sudden felt very bad, I met that boy last night. He told me he had been in the hospital for three months because he had cancer, I bought him a teddy bear and an ice cream. One day I hope they cure him..

"Sorry what?" I told Cooper not paying attention.

"Anywhere you want to go before we head back?" he repeated himself.

"Uhmm, nope. Not that I'm aware of. So what's been happening at the school since I've been gone?"

He did a huge whistle and said, "Police, interviewing, searching, cancelations of stuff, you know, the usual," he winked in sarcasm.

"Oh, and your all over the cities news."

"Wow, what are the policing doing at the school?" I asked him, trying to get off my on the news. I wasn't a big person on gloating unless we beat some team at a soccer game...I have some bad memories of those times.

We stopped at a red light and he smoothed out his green plad shirt and jeans, "They interviewed Dalton, Kim, and Taylor's roommates and they've been talking to the teachers. NOW they decide to get into the action, not three missing people ago. They've done a dorm search everywhere so far and have found nothing in anyones rooms. I know they started doing a bit of stuff a while back, but now they are going full out. There is a police man at every entrance and exit of every building. No one can go in or out without being seen."

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