Chapter Twenty-one

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AAH. Facebook is not working for me :( It's a worst nightmare.....JK. Well till it's up and running might as well write another chapter XD


Patricia's POV

I said it, I can't believe I said it! He said I dove back into his lips feeling the flames kick back up, my arms were still wrapped around his neck. After a while, I don't know how but we managed to break apart. I sat on his lap just leaning into his shoulder with his arms wrapped around me and his chin resting on my head.

That's how I fell asleep, wrapped in Dalton's arms and trapped underneath the dock at my University.

This will be an interesting story to tell people when I'm older...


Dalton's POV

Did she just say I lo- my thoughts were cut off when she started kissing me again. I felt so alive inside, I felt so protective over her right now. Her lips were exploding on mine, the sensation she had! It took a while, but somehow we stopped our make out session and she sat on my lap, I wrapped my arms around her wishing this moment never ended. I rested my chin ontop of her head, and that was how I fell asleep.

With the girl I loved in my arms, trapped underneath the dock at my University.

This will be an interesting story to tell people when I'm older...


Cooper's POV

"Where," gasp gasp, "the hell," gasp gasp, " is a cop," gasp gasp, "around this dump?" I breathed heavy in need of air. I just ran around the whole campus in search of a cop that was on night guard, but by the looks of it they all ditched and left or were sleeping.

Well this is just great, I hope Patrick and Dalton are okay. I hope they haven't killed eachother, or confessed their true love or something causing Patrick to kill Dalton.

It was too hard to laugh so I let out a soft chuckle, which was a waste of my breathe.

I stopped a moment, on the grass in front of the library my hands on my knees, leaning over. There was a flash of bright light in my eyes and I was forced to stand up and raise my one hand to cover my eyes.

"Hands up! Who are you!?!?" The police man said, thank god. He had two more men with him.

I raised my hands and quickly said, "Cooper! I go to this school! My friends..." gasp, jeez loiuse, "there down by the beach. People are trapped, underneath..." gasp, "the dock! I've been trying to find you guys! Quick! We think they are the missing people!"

The police dude shut off his flash light and said, "Quick lead the way," then he grabbed the walky talky thing on his shoulder and spoke into it, "Comand, comand, this is officer Ron we need back up on the beach in front of the teacher's dorms at Oakridge University, A S A P please."

I ran, AGAIN, down to the beach to find Dalton and Patrick were missing. The trap door was covered again, I fell to my knees and started to dig and one of the cops helped me out. We tried the door but it was locked.

"Stand back son," a whole new batch of three more cops showed up, and a female voice pushed me aside.

I pushed back my curly blonde hair, I was sweating like a pig. That's just gross.

The female cop took out some wierd metal shaped thing and pushed it into the lock, the door opened automatically and she stepped back and smiled.

"Who said ladies couldn't pick a lock? yupp that's ten bucks Ron," my guess was there was a bet involved but that didn't matter because Dalton and Patrick fell out first and they woke up after hitting the sand.

"Mom?" Dalton spoke.

"Mr.Hotstuff, where'd you go?" Patrick said cuddling up to Dalton.

If only I had a video camera, they were both half asleep and didn't realize what was going on, that was until three people trampled stepping over top of them and coming out dirty and smudged with dirt.

"Oh thankyou!" They were practically kissing the ground.

Patrick got up, off of Dalton and they stood up brushing themselves off.

"Are you all okay?" the police lady asked.

"Starving," was what the three missing people said.

"Just fine," said Patrick and Dalton hugging eachother with one arm each.

"Oh but there was a man, his name is Jack Hun or something like that, he was the man who put everyone in here. He threw us in here just a while ago when we were waiting for you," Patrick glared at me, I just smiled happy my two best friends were okay.

"He had two goons with him, Im not sure if these were his real names but they were Duck and Goose or something. I don't know where they went," Dalton said.

"That's okay, thanks for your help. Seeing that you two are in better shape then these three," the man gestured to the missing people who were now wrapped in blankets as teachers arrived to the seen in their pajama's. I could see student's looking out their windows," I suggest that you all go and get some sleep. If we need to contact you, we will find ways."

With that Patrick Dalton and I started walking, down the beach not knowing where we were going, Dalton still had one arm wrapped around Patrick's shoulder's and she had one around his waist.

"So tell me, where were you Cooper?" Patrick looked at my sarcastically angry.

"I was looking for the damn cops, there were none around this dump! I promise!" I waved my hands in the air to make my point.

"Uh huh..." she didn't sound like she believed me. Dalton and I laughed. I had my hands in my pockets and I was kicking the sand, the moon was still full and when I took out my cell phone to check the time it was already 2 AM.

"So let me ask you two a question, what happened while I was gone? Are you two dating now?!" I needed to know. The question was burning in my brain since I saw them fall out from the trap door.

We all stopped walking, Patrick looked at Dalton as he did to her.

"I don't kn-" Dalton couldn't finish what he was saying because Patrick interupped him.

"I think we are, I mean, if that's okay with you?" she asked Dalton moving in to hug him, then she looked into her eyes. I wish I had a video camera, this would make a great movie scene!

"Perfectly fine," Dalton kissed her.

"Get a room," I threw a bunch of sand at them.

We all started laughing.

"So do you think they are going to find that Jack guy?" she asked.

"No idea, if they do I'm going to whoop his sorry little ass," Dalton answered.


don't think this is the end! HAH. there's more chapters to come, they still have to catch the bad guy....

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