Chapter Fourteen

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I pulled away faster than he could come in. Realizing that I pulled away, he akwardly pulled his head back and turned the other direction.

I could feel the hot tears starting to form in my eyes, hold them back Patrick. You can do it!

Just a couple more seats and we would be at the bottom, I looked away from Dalton, I couldn't even face him. Why was I getting so worked up? I looked down at the ground below us, it was getting closer and closer. I could see the loose bits of popcorn scattered along the pavement.

"Look...Patrick..I," he stumbled to find words, but I cut him off too sharply then I meant to.

"Just shut up Dalton, I want to go home. Don't speak to me," harshness came out of my voice. What was wrong with me? He was only trying to kiss me, I think. Then why was I acting up?

The tears overflowed with my words, I grabbed my sleeve and wiped them off my face. I didn't get how long it took for us to get to the bottom, it seemed like ages.

"But Patrick,"

"Dalton, please? Just shut the hell up! I don't even know why I am crying. I can't explain it. I don't even know why I agreed to come, I just have ... I just...nevermind," the ferris wheel finally stopped I hopped out of my seat too quickly and almost fell to the ground.

I quickly got my footing and started to speed walk towards, well anywhere. Anywhere that Dalton wasn't. I could feel him folling me then I heard his voice, "Patrick...wait!" he was gasping for air as I quickened my pace to a fast jog.

Hmmp, I thought he was an athlete. I silently prayed a thank you to my coach a few years back for always making us sprint laps and getting us into shape.

I took off into a full blast run, the tears were streaming like a river now, the front of my jacket was getting soaked, my purse was flinging from side to side. I looked around frantically, my brown hair blowing in my face, the carnival lights a blur through my watery eyes. That's when I saw my miracle.

"Cooper! Cooper! Cooper Stupid Dog Face!! Look over here!" I screamed while jogging to him. He was sitting on a bench alone, eating blue cotton candy. He had on a blue black and white plaid shirt and loose jeans.

"Oh uh, heyy Patrick. What's wrong?" he stood up walking towards me looking worried.

"I will explain on the way but do you have a car? If you do, could you drive me back to the University? Like now? I know this is a big favour, but I have, I don't know. l don't even know what reasons I have..." I could feel the waterworks starting to build up again.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd of people I stumbled trying to follow him. Silently crying for no reason, no reason at all.

"Were at the parking lot, here just a couple more minutes."

He let go of my hand and we walked towards a familiar red chevy truck. He took out his keys and the truck flashed lights and I opened the passenger side while he got into the driver's seat.

He started the engine and we were driving back to the University, my tears stopped and when I looked out the window Dalton was standing at the entrance talking to some girl from school, I didn't know what was her name. Wow. That's predictable.

"So, you don't have to tell me, but I kind of do deserve an answer, what happened?" Cooper asked me, trying to be polite and keeping his eyes on the road.

For about five minutes I explained what had happened, from the haunted house to the ferris wheel. From the tears to the running away, I told him I don't get why I cried.

I waited a while, expecting an answer, when I finally gave up and said, "Well, any reply?"

He laughed, pulled over to the side of the road and looked at me as he turned off his engine.

"What the heck are you doing?" I asked him shocked half talking half yelling.

"Doing you, a favour," He smirked.

"How so?"

"I'm not moving his truck till you think back to everything about Dalton, and find the answer yourself. Cause I've found out the answer, but you my friend, are avoiding it."

I gave him a look, that if looks could kill, he'd be dead.

"Fine, I'll think."

He patiently waited, for about seven minutes, when I finally realized what the reason was. Boy was I sure an idiot for a straight A student.

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