Chapter nine

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It was a beautiful night, the sky was clear and deep deep blue, the stars were shining so bright, and the moon was full. I was walking back, after a long tryout and nurses office trip. My dorm was across the campus so I just walked slow and basked in the night air and scenary. I walked along the side walk, the one where to your right there was the white sand and blue ocean, then to the left was the classrooms. I looked at every little detail, to the little dipper, to the bright pink flowers against the light green bushes .It looked fascinating.

I could feel the cool breeze up against my legs as I walked in short shorts, I zipped up my hoodie.

When I reached my dormitories building, I didn't really feel like going inside, so I just sat on the bench outside and plopped my bag down beside me. Finally, some alone time to think.

So now I was officially acquantinces with Dalton, was this a good or a bad thing? I mean, does that mean that I've forgiven hime? Or maybe I haven't. Like, I can still be friends with him, but not forgive him. But then would I be forgiving him?

Ugh, why did I have to say yes to that 'friendly' night out.

I looked down at a stray cat that walked up to me and snuggled around my ankles, I reached down to pick it up and placed the little girl cat in my lap.

"I guess you can't give me an answer can you?"  I said stroking her gray fur.

"No I can't, but then again, I don't really know what you need an answer for," Did the cat just talk? Oh jeez. I must be going crazy, as if whoever was speaking could read my thoughts...

"No, your not going crazy, look up above," the voice came.

I looked up, and there sitting in the huge oak that was covering the bench, was a tall muscular blonde haired boy. How many cute boys does this school have?

"You scared the crap outta me. How bout you come down from there and see if you can actually help?" I asked grinning. I still focused on petting my new cat. I thought about actually keeping her...

"okay then!"

he jumped off the huge limb and landed in front of me brushing off his jeans. I got a closer look, he had short cut blonde curly hair, and greyish blue eyes. I knew this kid, he tried out for the boys soccer team!

"My name is Cooper, Cooper Emmons, I'm not a stalker, my favourite colour is green, I'm not a player, and I'm a great friend," He said winking and holding out his hand.

"haha, sure Cooper. I'll trust that..for now, I'm Patricia. But you can just call me Patrick, everyone else does!" I replied giggling. He seemed like a nice kid. About my age...

He took the seat beside me and I put my bag on the ground still holding Nala, my new cat.

"So, how bout that problem?"

I really feeled like I could trust this kid, it felt like i'd somehow known him for years. As I explained the whole story about Dalton, he pulled his hands behind his head and leaned back on the bench.

"I've heard about you, Dalton has brought you up quite a bit since you've showed up," he answered to my speech.

"Yeah, but I don't know what to do? Like, should I forgive him? I surely don't want to! But then again, I do miss him as a friend, I mean, I told you... I used to be in love with that kid!"

He looked out at the ocean, I could see his face reflect off the moon light, "Well you don't have to forgive him, but you can give him another chance at being a friend," he answered. Well this kid is somone I like! As a friend.

I told him that I had thought practicly the same thing, and that I wondered how my friends would take it. Then I told him about my friends...

"haha, so Morgan is crazy over this guy, named Luke.." Wow I told this guy alot.

"Luke? he's one of my best friends! He is crazy about her too, but I actually think that he asked her out already,"

"What? ohh I need to talk to Morgan about this!" I said and we both laughed.

He looked like he wanted to say something, two words came out, then he shut his mouth.

"What is it?"

"Well, it's just that, do you know Chantel then?" he asked me

I told him that she was one of my best friends. Thats when he told me about his story, and problem.

"Well thing is, I really like her. Alot. We were dating just two weeks ago when she broke up with me, I don't know why. I mean, the day before she dumped me I asked her, on a scale of one to ten, how much do you like me? and she said ten. So I was really hurt, but then some of the school's gossiper's told me that apperantly she liked someone else. So I was hurt, and I don't know what to do cause she is talking to me, but she is kind of keeping a distance," he paused, " I guess I kinda, well, just miss her."

Wow, so Chantel never told me this? I needed to catch up with my friends!

"wow, well, I don't know who she likes but I can put in a word for you and find out! Oh I have to go," I said checking my watch, it was 10:05 and the girls would start worrying, "But we must definitley hang out sometime! See you around Campus!" I said grabbing my bag and getting up.

He got up as well and started to walk towards the boys' dorm, he waved, "See you too! It's wierd, I feel like we've been friends since forever!" He laughed.

I walked inside the building, Immediately feeling the warmth of the heating. I walked up two flights of stairs, then turned right onto the green carpet. I ran my hand along with white walls until I found room 202, 2 was my like number. Somehow, it evolved around my life. I was born on the 2nd month, on the 22nd. There's much more than that! I opened the door and walked into our living room slash kitchen to find Chantel and Kim sitting on the couch in blankets watching TV.

"heyy, Where's Morgan?" I asked them throwing my bag into my room then sitting on the couch with them grabbing a handful of skittles and tuning my eyes to pretty little liars.

"On a date. With Luke."

Dang, I really needed to catch up with them.

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