Chapter 45

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Claire's POV

Oh my god!!!! Calum asked me out at the water park!!!!

I can't believe he asked me. I remember it just as if it happened yesterday.

Oh wait it did happen yesterday.


I was looking around and saw a huge roller coaster. It goes way up then comes straight down. Then goes into a big pool of water.

"Cal let's go on that!" I pointed to it.

He smiled. "That's looks bad ass. Let's go." He shouted. I smiled and we took off running towards it.

The line was huge. But it seems reasonable. This ride seems awesome!

We finally got to the front. We were first to get on the next round. The ride ended and cal and I got the very front.

Oh my god I'm so scared yet I'm so excited. We started going up really slowly.

I was already close to screaming and crying. "Calum. Please hold on tightly to me when we go down."

He laughed. "Okay." All of a sudden we shot down. I didn't even get to grab Cal it happened so fast. Then I was shot with water and was soaked.

I laughed as the water rained down on us from the impact. That was awesome!

We got off and we got some food. "Hey Claire?"

"Yeah?" I looked up and Calum was looking at me. He looked nervous. "Cal? What is it?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I dropped my nachos. "Oh my god...."

"You don't like me like that. It's okay."


"God I should've never asked. I knew this was gonna happen."

"Cal-" I tried again.

"I can't believe how stupid I am. You're so beautiful a girl like you would lever like me. God I'm such an idiot-"

"CALUM!" I screamed. A couple people gave us looks.

I ignored it and he stopped talking and looked at me. I giggled.

"Yes*giggle* yes I will be your girlfriend." He smiled and sighed.

"Oh my gosh. I've been waiting for this for so long. I been waiting for us for so long."

I smiled. I placed my hand on his. "You and me both babe." His face lit up and he looked at me.

I smiled and kissed him. He kissed back immediately.

End of Flashback

Oh god that was the best day ever!!!! I need a girls day with my best Fran! I can't wait to tell her.

I opened her front door. "Mom, babe, Luke, I'm home!!!!" I yelled.

This is like my second house so this is normal. I saw mom coming down the stairs.

"Hey mom, where's sissy?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"Well she was gone all day with Danny yesterday. She didn't get home until past midnight. I was worried sick. I started screaming at her about where she was and what not. She screamed at me about how she was driving Darren's truck. She broke down right in front of me. I yelled at her for trying to feel her brother again."

Mom started to cry. I dropped my stuff and hugged her. "Mom, don't cry. You're a mom. You had no idea where she was. You were worried. It's okay. Just the fact that you know you've done wrong and are sorry for it means that yes you made a mistake but you are still in the good. You didn't know. It's not your fault. I have an idea where she is. I'm gonna take her out shopping. Do something nice for her. When you have it all set up let me know. I'll take her out to Starbucks get her her favorite then we will come here. Okay?"

Mom sighed and wiped her eyes. "Yes, that sounds absolutely lovely. Thank you Darling." Mom said happily.

I smiled at her and kissed her cheek. I went outside and went to Natalie's window. I looked above the window and found her on the roof.

She was sleeping on the roof. How in the hell do you fall asleep on a roof?

I pulled out my phone and took a picture. I got on Instagram and posted it.

The caption read

Best Fran had a rough night, don't know what happened but she fell asleep on her roof. I had to take a picture it was too funny.😊😥😋 @NatalieeeRoseee I love you sissy. Always remember that😌💗

I got off of Instagram and said her name. No answer. I tried a couple more times.





"Oh my god. Seriously? NATALIE!" I yelled. Her head popped up and she squeaked. She rolled off the roof. Uh oh.

Please let my muscles come in tact right now. I ran forward and put my arms out to catch her.

I felt a weight land in my arms. Oh my god! I caught her! Yes go Claire!

I started to do my happy dance. I heard a grunt. I looked down.

Oppsies. I caught her and dropped her. "Oopsies." I giggled. She rolled her eyes and rubbed head.

"What're you doing here?" She yawned and looked around.

"I'm hurt. Really. But we are going on a shopping day." She nodded and headed inside. It must've been a really rough night.

She went upstairs and I stayed downstairs.





Looks like she found my Instagram picture. Hehe😈

I heard my phone beep. Instagram comment. I clicked on it and looked at the comment.

@NatalieeeRoseee~ I hate you.. I'll get revenge for this Claire. @Hey_Its_Claire 😡😈✊🏽

I laughed. I also commented.

@Hey_Its_Claire~ Please, you could never hate me✋🏻 and you get revenge. But just remember, I'm your other half what you think of I've already experienced it. ☺️😘 @NatalieeeRoseee

I smiled. "I LOVE YOU!!" I shouted. I heard a mumbled whatever. Haha I love how the floors have no sound proof at all.

I waited for her to get dressed and stuff. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah yeah." I smiled and linked arms with her.

"So guess what?"


"Cal asked me out."

"Omg!" She squealed. "Tell me everything!"

I laughed and got in the car. I told her everything as we drove to our destination.

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