Chapter 4

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I really hope you guys like this chapter cause I'm coming down with a case of the writers block :( 

I almost started to scream. It was that day again. The call. 


It was almost midnight. I had just had a fight with Jemima. I was still mad at her. The phone started to ring.

"Jem, could you get that? I'm tired." I asked from my room.

There was silence but the phone kept ringing. I rolled out of bed and got the phone.

"Hello." I said sleepily into the phone.

"Is this Cassidy Jones?" asked the person on the phone.


"Do you know anyone named Jemima Wheeler?"

"Yes. Is everything alright?" I asked realizing that Jemima wasn't here.


"What happened?" I felt like crying.

"She was hit by a car. We need you to go down to the hospital as soon as you can." 


I hung up. I feel like dying. Why did this have to happen to her? Why her? Why couldn't it be me? She has so much to live for, I have nothing. I can't lose her.

I walked into my room. I saw her dead body.

*Wake up*

I was screaming.

"Cassidy, calm down. It was just a dream." Matt said trying to calm me down.

"No. It was real." I cried into Matt's arm.


We never went back to sleep after that. Matt just held me until I stopped crying. It was about 3 in the morning when I finally stopped crying. Matt decided that he couldn't go back to sleep so we went into his living room. 

"Was your dream about Jemima?" he asked.


"Don't tell anyone but when we go on tour, Ian talks in his sleep. He says her name over and over again. I don't think you are the only one who misses her."

"I had to have my own room at Harvard because I would wake up at midnight crying."

"I hope you know that whenever you need to talk to someone, I'm here." he said.

"I know. Matt, would it be okay if I went to Toronto in a couple weeks?" I asked.

"Toronto? Why?" 

"Caitlin lives there and her and her husband are getting a divorce and she's coming here with baby Jemima. I promised I would help her pack." I explianed to him.

"Okay. I like Caitlin. She is really nice." Matt said.

About an hour later we both got hungry. I got up to make some food. Matt was making some strange noises behind me. It was really annoying.

"Matt, shut up before I throw this fucking orange at your head." I said.

He laughed. "I really don't think you would do that."

I turned around and chucked the orange at his head. He ducked and it landed on the couch.

"I didn't think you would actually do it." he said, sounding shocked.

"You underestimate my powers." I said.

"Powers? Are you a super hero now?" he asked.

"Yes. My super power is whipping oranges at peoples heads."

"That makes you sound like a villian. Stop it. You're scaring me." he complianed while laughing.

"Never!!" I shouted throwing another orange at him.

He caught the orange this time and started to chase me around the apartment. He wrapped his arms around my waist and spun me around. The phone rand and he put me down to answer it.

"Hi Josh. No you didn't wake me up. Uhhhh, maybe. What time tomorrow? Okay, can Cassidy come? Yes, we are back together. Yes, I did break up with Julie. So is that a yes she can come tomorrow? Okay, see you tomorrow. Bye." Matt hung up.

"Who was that?" I asked. I knew who it was.

"Josh. He wants to know if we want to go bowling tomorrow. I told him that we would go." he told me.

"Okay. I haven't bowled since I was 12 I think." I told him.

Matt stared at me in disbelief. "How are you still alive? Bowling is like life."

"I don't know. i just stopped going bowling." I laughed.

"Why do I know you?"

"Because you love me."

"That's right. Now where were we?" Matt said taking my waist.

I kissed him and he lifted me up and spun me around. 

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too."

Bonjour! I hope you guys like it. And the ending sucks cause I couldn't think of anything. well you know a vote or comment would be nice. *blows french kiss*

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