"Well hi there Sara, I'm Frank."

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As I was walking towards the woods I realized that the closer I got to the woods, the darker it got, the only lighting was from the street lights I'd have to cross soon. Did you know that you should bring something to light your way when you're walking out at 3 a.m. Especially when you don't want to run into a tree or something.

I put my hands in my pockets and they brushed up against something. I pulled it out and squitted my eyes to see what it was, my eyes registered it quite quickly, it was my phone.

I smiled and said, "I left it in my pocket because Jeff made me fall asleep, yass-" I was cut off by my stomach growling. Ughh even if I found Jeff, I wouldn't be stealthy with my stomach like this.

I told myself not to think of any food and keep my arms wrapped around my stomach to at least partly shield the sounds. I should have ate that granola bar. Stupid Jeff. Thinking about him made me think of how he was on top of me when I woke up. That made blood rush to my cheeks, very quickly.

"Wait, why was he even trying to wake me up?" I thought out loud. That was stupid of me. I should stay quiet and-

"Well, well, well, look what we have here." an unknown voice said, and without even looking up I knew I was in trouble.

Maybe I should really pay attention when I'm walking around in the woods, because when I don't I stumble into a camp. Yes this has happened more than once.

I looked up and saw him. He was in a really dark navy sweatshirt and ripped up jeans, the sweatshirt was zipped up so I couldn't see anything under it. I don't even think there is anything under it, he was very skinny and built. His face was dark. The only light came from behind him, and that was a campfire. I didn't think I walked this far into the woods.

"What's your name cutie," he asked

"Sara" I replied in a calm voice.

"Well hi there Sara, I'm Frank."

I knew he was lying because no matter how dark I can hear him smiling.

He started to walk towards me and as he did I turned around and started running, running back home. I heard him come after me, I looked behind me and all I saw was him gaining on me. Then I hit something and my vision stirred and got blurry, but I was still able to run. I ran into the streets and all the way home, it wasn't far be because I ran into my street. I looked for my house and ran towards it, I climbed the tree and jumped through my window, luckily I left it open. I collapsed onto my floor breathing heavy and heart pumping fast. I closed my eyes and tried to slow my breathing. Then my eyes popped open and I ran the short distance from where I was to my window. I stuck my head outside of it to see a person looking around the streets, the guy who chased me.

When he started turning my way I pushed against my window sill throwing myself back inside my room. I waited a few seconds before I looked out at him again. I watched him walk back into the woods. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I sat on my window sill letting my tired legs rest.

"Where were you?" said a voice I jumped and almost fell out of the window. I reconized the voice as Jeff. He was angry, but I was too tired to care.

I put out my arms and said, "Carry me to my bed." It wasn't that dark so I saw how shocked he was that I said this. "Hurry up my arms are getting tired," I said impatiently.

He walked over to me in about two long strides and picked me up bridle style and I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest, I realized what I was doing, but I couldn't bring myself to care.

When he put me in my bed he gently rested my head on my pillow, then I fell asleep instintally.

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