Our... Uh... Conversation.... I Think...

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"Okay fine. I won't turn on the lights." I was kinda happy about that now, because I was seriously blushing with him on me... don't ask me why. I have no idea.

"Good," he said sitting back.

"Uh. what are you doing in my room."

"I'm being forced to watch you everyday, instead of killing," he said irritated.

"Fine. Then take me to the person making you watch me every night? By the way, saying that sounded so creepy."

He started laughing then he looked into my eyes, "Oh. Ooh. Your serious, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Why would I joke around?"

"I don't know, but you can't. You wouldn't survive," he said looking at me from head to toe. I got a weird feeling in my stomach as he did.

"Yes, I would. I'm stronger than you think, Jeffrey."

"I don't care. Your not going to meet him."

"If you didn't care then why won't you take me to him? You wouldn't care if I lived or not, would you?"

"Your interesting, and I want someone who blushes when I'm on top," he winked. "Its fun to see their reactions."

When he said that I blushed more than I already was, I'm pretty sure I looked like a fire truck. I used my hair to cover my blushing face and turned my head so he couldn't see.

Then my alarm clock went off. 3:00 a.m. Its youth weekend and me and my dad are going out turkey hunting. When I looked at where Jeff was he wasn't there, but I saw him move slightly. He ran into my closet when my dad knocked on the door.

"You wanna go or do you want to stay home?" my dad asked.

"I'm going." I love hunting, but not for deer because I can't do as much.

"K, then lets go."

"K. I'll be ready in a few."

"K," then my dad left.

"You hunt? Huh. I guess watching you for a month doesn't teach you everything about a person. Thanks for teaching me that. Well have fun hunting, but can I ask a favor?" Jeff said coming out of the closet.


"Don't shot me." with that he left.

I just smiled and went to the bathroom to get ready for hunting.

------------Authers Note-------------

Do you want me to add the hunting trip? I was thinking I should, but I wanted to ask you guys. and I'm so sorry for the late update... so much stupid drama.

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