Didn't Get Caught.

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When the boys got home they asked, "How come I didn't see you in school today?"

"I was. I had a busy day in one class so I was a bit late going to my other classes, and I see that Nick is home" I replied calmly

"How come you weren't on the bus? And yes he's home," replied Joey

"My friend offered me a ride there and back, so I slept in a bit later and got out earlier."

"Ohhhhh. Ok."

"Well I have homework to get to, I'll see you guys in a bit for dinner. Is-"

I was cut off by the phone ringing. I looked at it and walked over to the wall where it was hung up. It was the old kinda phone, where there was a cord connecting it to the part where you hang it up. It was black which was one reason why I like it. I picked it up.


"Hey Luna."

"I have a job presentation in England this weekend. Since you guys are on vacation this week I was wondering if you and the boys wanted to go to England with me?"

"I don't want to, but I'll ask the boys," I put the end of the phone I was talking into down near my neck. "Boys, do you want to go to England with you mom, since we are on February vaca?"

"YES!" they basically screamed.

I lifted up the end of the phone and I heard her laughing.

"I guess they want to, are you sure you don't want to. You'll be home alone for most of the vacation. You could meet some cute British guy."

I didn't want to meet someone. I wanted to stay home, I wanted to bitch at her and say I was fine home alone, I don't know where all this anger I was feeling came from, but I didn't answer her like that or my dad wouldn't let me stay at home.  "No I'm good, just bring me back a souvenir. Do you want me to get the boys to start packing?"

"Ok, and yes please. I'll be home in about 30 minutes. Our plane leaves tomorrow at 6. If you change your mind just let me know."

"Ok, thank you. I'll see you when you get home."

"Bye sweetie."


I hung up the phone and the boys were eagerly waiting for me to tell them what was going to happen.

"Go get packed. You'll be gone most of the vacation so pack at least 10 pairs of everything. Your mom will be here in 30 minutes and the plane leaves tomorrow at 6."

"Are you going to come with us?" Asked Nick

"No. I'm staying home and probably have some of my friend over."

"Oh. Ok. Well, have fun!" After Nick said that he ran to his room.

I walked to my room after grabbing and hiding a million snacks.

After a while of playing on my computer and playing Xbox with the boys, I'm happy I bought two more controllers so we actually have four and we can all play, it was time for dinner then bed.

I don't remember much of dinner besides my dad telling me about money and food. And that we had ribs. Yummm.

I went into my room and waited for midnight. So as I waited I played on my computer and some time Jeff showed up. We played videogames and card games while we waited.

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