Cheeky Shopping Trip

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Lexi's POV: 

"Fuck." I mumbled as the light from the window on top of the headboard allowed the light to come through. I groaned as my eyes took a couple seconds to adjust to the brightness. 

I sat in bed and scratched my head. I streched out my arms across and turned my head to the left to see a blonde leprechaun sleeping peacefully next to me. I smiled and then looked at the clock on the side table next to me. 

10:38 it read. Niall needed to get up. I gently shook his exposed arm as he stirred. I brought my mouth to his ear and whispered "Pancakes" his eyes flew opened and he sat straight up in bed. 

"Pancakes? Where? I want a douzen!" He said looking quickly from side to side then looking at me. "Lexi! Why would you do that! I'm not getting pancakes." He huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. 

"I know but you need to get up. You boys have a photoshoot." I said. Weird how I knew that. Liam warned me that if Niall wasn't up on time he would lock Zayn and I in a supply closet for hours and I just couldn't risk that. Who knows what would have happend. 

"Oh shit! Right.' He said jumping out of bed and running his hands through his blonde locks

"Yup, I'm just gonna chill in the hotel maybe go to the pool or something." I shrugged and rummaged through one of my bags for an outfit. 

"Have you seriously forgotten?" He asked with a smirk. 

"What?" I asked seriously confused. 

"You promised to go shopping with Adrianna today." He smiled. 

Then it all came back to me. Oh balls. 

Flashback - 

"Come on Lexi, the boys' are leaving, let's go." Harry said pulling me off the dancefloor by my wrist. 

"Harry, I have to stay and clean up! I work here you know." I said trying to realease my grip but it didn't work. We were already out of the ballroom and walking towards the elevators. 

"It's fine. Louis used the flirting skills I taught him and convinced one of the other girls on staff to cover for you." He said. I just giggled at the idea of Louis teaching Harry how to flirt. 

We arrived at the elevators and saw all the boys standing there with a girl. She turned around to face me. Adrianna. Why is she always here!

He mouth tugged into a giant grin as she ran up to me. 

"Lexi! Just the girl I wanted to see. If you were avoiding me you were doing a good job." She grinned. 

"Oh trust me I could've done a better job." I mumbled making Lou let out a chuckle. 

"Anyhoo! I wanted to know if you would like to come shopping with me tomorrow." She asked. 

"Well- I-I don't know-"I started but Harry cut me off. 

"Lexi would love to go shopping with you. Us boys have a photoshoot that's going to take all day so Lexi has nothing to do." He grinned widely at me while I just shot him daggers. 

'Perfect! I'll meet you down here in the lobby at 11." She smiled before running off in the other direction. 

Once she was gone I turned and slapped Harry hard right int he stomach. 

"Ow, what was that for?!" He shouted as he clutched his stomach. 

"That was for setting me up on a shopping trip with Malibu Barbie herself!" I hissed.

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