Cнapтer 5 ~ Тнιѕ Ιѕ Ιт

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- Wheatley's P.O.V. -
I don't know if its still night or has morning already come. But I do know that a lot of time has passed by now, hours it seems. Space here is quiet, probably sleeping or in sleep mode. Were in a small but not too small white room, There are long tables here. I'm on the left side and Space is on the right side. Oh, I just realized I'm calling him only Space now, hahaha. It saves words so I think I don't have to call him with core, just Space will do I guess. I can't sleep because I'm too excited to finally be back on Earth. But, I don't know when I can see Chell. I wonder what's gonna happen next, it seems I've done my part on trying to get here.

- Chell's P.O.V. -
Its morning....................... ITS MORNING!!!

I ran towards the bathroom to take a bath and prepare for work. Then prepares breakfast and eats quickly then prepares things to bring for work. Then she leaves the house and ran to her work.

"Good morning Chell, happy science!" the guard says as I enter the entrance door to the building. Then he asked, "You seem in a hurry. Is something up?" I just nodded because I'm too excited to get my notepad so I left the guard with a smile. Then I hurried to my office. Claire saw me and came to me. She said, "Hey Chell! Have you heard about the news?" I nodded. "We have an opportunity to see them, you know why? Were scientists! :D" I smiled at her and I felt more excited. "Do you want to see them?" I smiled and nodded happily. "Wow, you seem pretty excited! Well, let's go!"

Claire and I went to the front room. This is it, this is the moment. I'm gonna see him. Wheatley. Here I go. I'm ready. Claire asked, "You ready? I'm so excited!" I held my notepad and wrote to her, "Yes, I'm ready." Claire opens the door.

On the other side of the door, someone asked, "Oh another scientist to view me? I'm so bored..." I know that voice...
"Hey Space are you awake yet?" That voice...... Its been a long time since I've heard that....

Claire said, "Wow, it really talks." Im behind Claire so I don't see anything yet beneath the door. The voice said, "Hello there scientist." "Come look!" Claire said. I went inside the room and as I was stepping in, the owner of the voice saw me and got surprised. "Huh?! I-Is that you? Is that really you?!" he said. I was also surprised because I finally saw him.... Wheatley.

Wheatley said, "Chell..... Its been awhile...." Claire said, "Huh? Do you know each other????" I stood in shock, I can't believe he's right in front of me. He's right here. "Oh, didn't mean to call you by your name! I just uh uhm.... I just... remembered... it.... Well... I'm back. Hello." Without realizing, I ran to Wheatley from the left side and hugged him with a few tears falling from my eyes. "Uh uh uh?!!?!" He got startled. I hugged him tight in my arms. Claire just stood there in awe. Wheatley said, "W-why? Don't you hate me? After all what I've done to you?"

- Wheatley's P.O.V. -
Its Chell... Its really Chell! I really didn't expect to see her this quickly... Did she saw me from her television? Guess my plan work out very very well. Anyway... Whoa! She!! She's hugging me! What?! Why?! I thought she hates me. Why is she hugging me? Chell then lets go of me then takes a notepad then writes. Then she shows it to me, "What is this?" I read it and it says, "I missed you. Even after what happened, I-I still miss you.... Wheatley.. Its been awhile indeed." I looked at her after and she had tears in her eyes. "Aw, don't cry!" Then I stopped for a second. Then said, "I... have... something to tell you.. Can you hear me out?" She nodded still crying. "I just wanna say.... I'm...... I'm....... I'M SORRY, I'M SO SO SOORRYYY!!!!! Everything I did to you back then when I ruled the facility. When I tried to kill you...EVERYTHING!!! I'M SORRY!!!" I let out everything that I wanted to tell her. I just wanna apologize to her.

Chell then takes a cloth then wipes her tears. Then wrote to me, "I forgive you Wheatley... I forgive you. I'm glad you're here." I replied, "I'm happy to see you too. So... friends?" Chell nodded with a smile on her face and I felt warm all of a sudden.

"So...... Is the drama over?" The other scientist said. I replied, "I guess so.." Then she asked, "How did you two know each other???" Then Chell wrote to her, "Long story." Then the scientist said, "Aw come on, please Chell! Pretty please??" Then I said, "Uhm mate, it was actually a pretty long story, you might get bored listening to it, seriously." I tried to defend Chell. And then the scientist replied, "Awww.... Fine... =|"

- Chell's P.O.V. -
I feel like hugging him again, so I went near him and when I stretched my arms to hug him again and came near him, we all got startled by "SPPPPAAAAACEEEEE, BAD SPACE, BAD SPACE!!!!!" Claire screamed in surprise, "AHH WHAT WAS THAT?!?!" Then Wheatley said, "Urgghh, aww.. You're finally awake mate." Claire asked, "Why did it scream?!" Wheatley replied, "Space is always like that." Then she said, "Is Space his name?" Wheatley said yes. "How about you? What's your name?" He answered, "My name is Wheatley. You?" "I'm Claire, nice to meet you um, Wheatley."

I watch them as they greeted to each other.

After all the greetings, Claire started to ask us LOTS of questions. She's a curious lady, that's for sure.

She asked, "So Wheatley, why were you saying lots of sorries to Chell awhile ago? Did you did something bad to her?" Wheatley said nervously, "I-I ummm.... W-well... Y-y-yes...."

"Oh, and didn't you said 'When I tried to kill you...' while you were saying your sorries? KILL????" I sighed. Wheatley got more nervous and shy, "I-I-I-I-I----........ IM SORRY!" Claire asks, "Why do you want to kill Chell?!" "IM SORRY IM SORRY!!!" I wrote to Wheatley, "I know, I know, I forgive you Wheatley."

Claire has never-ending questions... "Did you two missed each other? Are you two a couple or something? But WAIT, you're a robot and Chell is a human... How will that work out? Answer anyway hahaha." I felt my cheeks hot for a second she asked that. Wheatley started doing cough-like sounds. "Oh Chell you're blushing! So you two are really a couple then?" I felt my cheeks got warmer and turned away from her. She said, "Aww embarassed? So cute!"

- Wheatley's P.O.V. -
Chell blushed.... CHELL BLUSHED?! Why? Did the couple thing that Claire said made her blush like that? I'm feeling hot myself... I don't know why! But it must have something to do with the emotions thing. The more I think about it... The more I don't believe myself. Deep inside me, its telling something I really can't believe. I agree a bit with Claire, How would a core and human work out if they would be a couple?? Oh... I feel myself getting hot again....

Claire then asks me in a whisper that Chell cannot hear, "Hey Wheatley...... Do you like Chell?" The immediate answer that came out of me, "NO!!!!" I felt my systems burning, not literally. Then I heard Claire giggled a bit and I felt a bit of rage. Then she went to Chell and whispered something to her. She's probably asking her the same thing! I see Chell wrote something to her but I don't know what it is. I can see her face was a bit red after that whisper from Claire. SHE PROBABLY DID ASK THE SAME THING!!!!!

Bloody hell, what kind of question was that?! Im burning.... BURNING!!!! BURNING WITH DIFFERENT EMOTIONS!

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