Cнapтer 7 ~ Ι'м Ѕorry

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(Next day)

- Wheatley's P.O.V. -
It was all going so well... but when that GLaDOS came to check on me, everything went all bloody wrong!
I didn't meant to hurt Chell... I just blurted some words without thinking... I'm too angry to even meet the old boss again.. I need to fix this.. or else it'll be too late..

(Waits for a scientist to come inside the room..)

A scientist comes inside, finally! But he ignores me and just takes Space with him.. I asked, "What are you gonna do with him mate?" He answered, "More observations." I replied, "Okay.."

I wait for another scientist to come for me. Someone finally came after a few minutes.

Its..... Claire..

I began to ask her, "Uhm Claire! H-how's Ch-Chell???" She answered, "Why would I tell someone who was the one who had hurt her heart?" I thought... her heart... I've hurt her heart? What does that mean... How did I hurt it?

I told her, "I don't get it..." Claire then said, "I can see the obvious and you don't? What a moron!" I shouted, "I'M. NOT. A. MORRROOOONNN!!!!! Well... SORRY FOR BEING ONE!!" I got frustrated the moment she called me a moron.

"Wheatley.... CHELL LIKES YOU! Do you get it now or are you still an idiot?" I'm shocked. Chell.... likes.... ME?!?!?! Nonononononono..... I feel like I'm burning again. "Wheatley... Its so obvious. I can even see clearly how much you like her too." And I screamed in surprise, "WHAT?!?!?! M-MEEEE?????!!!!" Claire said, "Boy, you are an idiot."

Claire then told me, "Oh its time, just came to check on you. Well see ya later." I said, "WAIT!!! DON'T LEAVE ME YET, I HAVE A LOT OF BLOODY QUESTIONS!!!" She replied, "Well use your head to think! I'm sure all of your questions will be answered if you think." Then she leaves.

I'm just in the table, finding answers that this mind can answer. Oh no... What is this feeling? I'm feeling too hot... Could it be because Chell likes me? What if... I like her too? But... Its... Impossible! Core and human?? Not gonna work out well... Nononono. NO!

But... Who knows what really gonna happen... What if I have feelings towards Chell? Is this what they call... Love? Is this the one I have been feeling up until now? Do I... love her?

- Chell's P.O.V. -
I still feel a bit down... But I want to tell Wheatley something.. I want to tell him that he should just... Forget everything that happened yesterday. I went to the front door to where he is in. Then... I came inside.

Wheatley and I met eyes. He's still in the left table. I wanted to tell him now so I did. I took my notepad and wrote. While I write, I heard him say, "Ch-Ch-Ch-Cheeell? I-I-I-I uhhhh-uhmmm...." Then I showed him my notepad saying, "Wheatley, forget everything that happened yesterday. Don't think much about it. I'm good now. Let's just pretend that nothing even happened. Okay?" I heard him sighed. Then he told me, "Chell. I'm very very very sorry! Can we still get along together again? Can we still be friends?" I nodded to him with a smile with a little bit of fake. And I can see how happy and at ease he was.

Good.. Hopefully, everything will be back to the way it should be... Just got to act normal again.. Like nothing happened...

An announcement from the speakers then starts to talk, "All scientists, come to the meeting now. We're going to start soon. That's all." Then I wrote to Wheatley, "Well, I gotta go, bye Wheatley." Then he said bye to me and I left him.

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