Cнapтer 6 ~ υneхpecтed

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- Wheatley's P.O.V. -
Hmm... I ask Chell, "So.... Chell... How's your new life in the outside world?" Then Claire butts in, "What do you mean by that?" I replied, "I'm not talking to you mate." Claire looks a bit pissed, hahaha. Then Chell shows me her notepad, "Yeah.. Its been kind of good so far.." Then I said, "Oh, thats good to hear then."

Then a scientist comes inside holding a laptop. He looks at me and Space. Then talks. He said, "Uh... You two are called cores right?" I nodded. Then he says, "Someone wants to see you." I ask, "Who could that be mate?" The scientist replies, "I don't know the name but you were seen on tv and now I'm here to just make you two see each other as requested. Let me just prepare my laptop." I got curious. Who is this person? I look at Chell. Then when she catches my gaze, I turned away feeling hot all of a sudden.

"Okay, here it is, I already called. It should be answered for a few seconds." The scientist said. I waited. Then the screen pops to show the one who's looking for me and Space.

It.... was..... Oh god..........

Its......GLaDOS!!!! I screamed, "GLaDOS?!?!?! H-HOW?!?!"

GLaDOS speaks to me, "Oh good, I can finally speak to you. Well... Welcome back to Earth. How have you been in space?" Then Space screams, "SPACEEEEE" GLaDOS heard and said, "Oh you're with a space core it seems."

I said nervously, "I-its n-n-n-not p-pretty c-comf-fort-t-table i-in s-sp-space...." Then I paused saying, "Wait. A. Minute." I thought to myself, 'Why do I have to be scared? I'm free from that giant. I don't need to worry!

After a few seconds of my pause. GLaDOS stopped the silence and said, "I want to see the room where you are in right now." Then the scientist holds his laptop then turns it to every area so GLaDOS can see. She says, "Hmm... So you were with a space core. This is one small room it see----" she paused when she saw Chell.

When Chell was out of sight from GLaDOS, she told the scientist, "Wait, go back to.... her." The scientist didn't seem to know who she meant but turned back to where Claire and Chell stood.

GLaDOS and Chell are staring to each other. Chell doesn't looks serious.

- Chell's P.O.V. -
Was that GLaDOS voice I just heard? No way......

Claire is obviously whispering questions on me that I'm not answering. Im too shocked to hear the voice and Wheatley looks more surprised than me. He looked a bit scared.

When the cam of the laptop is on me and Claire GLaDOS looked shocked, probably because she saw me. I didn't felt anything that would make me miss her. We stared to each other. I can feel Claire who's too curious and surprised.

Then GLaDOS starts to say, "So, its you. Its been a looong timee. How are you? Now that you're free? Did this moron finally made contact to Earth so you can help him?" Then Wheatley interrupts, "I AM NOT A MORRROOON!!!!" GLaDOS said, "You still haven't realized that you were a moron?" Wheatley got quiet, he looked like he was in rage.

GLaDOS turns to me. "Its been more quiet here, especially in the test chambers... probably because you're not here testing for me anymore. I only have a bit of fun with Atlas and P-body who are in your position. I also have pets here. They're still small but they sure are hungry. I wonder what can happen if I feed them propulsion gels, heh."

Wheatley interrupts again, "Get to the point lady, why did you want to see me?" GLaDOS answered, "Because I'm taking you back here." Wheatley got shocked, even I. Wheatley shouts, "NO!!! I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE, I WON'T I WON'T I WON'T!!! YOU CAN'T BRING ME BACK THERE, I'M FREE!!!!" She then says, "You are to be punished for all you've done. Now that you have escaped prison, I will take you back and put you in a better prison that is more secure, a big room just for you. Better than the room where you are right now." "NO I'M NOT GOING BACK THERE!!!" he shouts

Chelley ~ Can't Stop Thinking About You *COMPLETE!*Where stories live. Discover now