Cнapтer 10 ~ Preparaтιon

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- Chell's P.O.V. -
Claire and I are talking to each other. She asks me, "Chell, what does it look like inside Aperture?" I typed on my laptop, "Well.. So many test chambers I guess." She said, "How're you going to go back there? Are you gonna take a bus or something? Is Aperture far from here?" So many questions but I still replied to her, "I'm going to take a shortcut." "What shortcut?" she asks. "Well, I'm going to the wheat fields and go to the old shed where I have been freed." "Can I come Chell?" "No. Its dangerous." "Pleeeaaaseee? Ain't it a fun place?" "No Claire, its not fun. You can get killed there." She got surprised for a bit. "Kill? D:"

I typed to her, "I'm going to leave tomorrow. I want him back." Then she said, "Aww do you miss him?" I was silent for a few seconds then typed, "Yeah.." And then she told me, "Ayyiieee, I ship you two!" Then I felt my cheeks warm. "Chell you're blushing! So cute! Hahaha!" I got embarrased and covered my cheeks.

I made a new document in my laptop (Microsoft Word). Then I typed a list of things I'll be needing to bring with me. 'A backpack. Bottle of water. Notepad and pen.' Guess that's about it... I don't want to bring too many so I won't have a hard time moving around with heavy things on my back. 'Portal gun' Wait a minute... I don't have one with me.. I think my portal gun was left in that place. Aww.. What now...

Claire looks at my list then asks, "Portal gun? What's that?" I typed, "Its my weapon." She responds, "Whoa weapon? Can I see it? Do you have one with you right now?" I typed, "No.. That's the problem.. My portal gun is back at that place.. I thought it was with me.." She asks, "What's a portal gun anyway? What does it shoot? Portals? Lol" I replied, "Yeah." She responds, "WHAT?! FOR REAL?! COOL!!! I didn't know portals exist." I typed to her, "Well, portals are actually cool. While I solve the tests, even for a little bit, I can have a little fun with my portal gun." She shouts, "AWEEESSSOOOOMMMEEE!!!!!"

I need to think of a plan now. How to get Wheatley back... Hmm...

Should I just go straight to GLaDOS and beg her to give me back Wheatley? Should I sneak and find where Wheatley's location is? What to do..

Claire interrupts my thinking, "You're in deep thought there, what's on your mind now?" I typed, "I'm thinking of a plan." She says, "Oh okay, well good luck!" Then she leaves. Finally! Some quiet time.

- Wheatley's P.O.V. -
Nonononononono..... Chell... I didn't see her before we left.... I'm making sobbing noises. Then the transportation that seems to be a truck stopped. Vince said, "We're here. This seems to be the so called shed where it can lead to Aperture." I screamed, "OHHH NOOOOO!!!!" Vince holds me and Space then goes to the door of the shed, he opens the door. Then inside was an elevator. Vince said, "This is probably the tunnel they meant." I told him, "Its not a tunnel mate, its an elevator." He responds, "Oh. Okay then. Let's go in." I shouted, "NOOOOOOO OHHH GOOOOOD!"

I'm panicking... What is GLaDOS gonna do to me?! What's the punishment I'm about to face?! I'm scared... I'm really scared..... I feel myself shaking madly. Space then says, "Back home? Hoooommmeeee?" Vince answered, "Yes, were in your home." Space yells, "HOOOMMMEEEE, SSPPPAAAAAACEEE!"

As the elevator goes to and end, its door opens. Revealing GLaDOS in the other side. She saw us and said, "Welcome back, Space. And you too moron." I'm not angry... I'm scared..

"H-h-heeellooo ag-gaiin...." I said. GLaDOS told me, "Well, I won't show any mercy on you at this point. Time to put you in that room." I got more panicked and asked, "W-w-what r-r-r-room i-is t-t-that exac-ctlyy?" She replied, "You'll see, I'll put you there now." A claw grabs me and I screamed in surprise. GLaDOS said, "Don't be scared... yet."

The claw dragging me is going somewhere... Where is it going... Probably to where I'll be put in.. Its going to some shortcuts easier than the long corridors of test chambers, hallways and elevators, it seemed to go to an easier way..

Eventually we were in front of a glass door, a big one, and the claw opened it then we went through it. And this is the room...

Its... full of anger cores... they're at the bottom of the floors.. and there are some trees, not too many... and....... BIRDS, CRROOWWS!!! This... is.... hell...

The claw placed me in a branch. Then a few birds pecked on me and I said, "NOOOO!!" My scream was too loud that the birds got a bit frightened and left me. Then GLaDOS speaks, coming from a speaker inside the room, "Well, that room is not enough, I will add more fun things in that room for your penalty. Are you making friends with those crows? They tried to eat me up when I was a potato back then."

Then the systems announces, "Warning, power will be gone soon. Start preparing." GLaDOS says, "Oh.. Almost forgot about that, well time to prepare." I asked, "What's gonna happen to the power?" GLaDOS answered, "Brown-out. It will become very dark there. But don't worry the optics of the anger cores will have enough light for you." I felt nervous just waiting for the power to shut off.. I don't want to see red lights. Its gonna be like a bloody room in here.. GLaDOS then tells, "Well.. I'm off to prepare." I hear her start to talk to Vince, "You can go now, I don't need you anymore so you're free." Well... Good for him... "Space core, I will put you now in the incinerator." Then I shouted, "NOO!!! DON'T KILL HIM!!!" She heard me then says, "Oh, you seem to become friends with him. Well then, I'll put you to a room where the other cores are." I got relieved. Phew~

"Chell..." I keep saying her name.. Its been a few minutes now... I.... miss.... her... "Chell... How are you doing... without me?" GLaDOS then talks to me, "See, a moron in love. Falling in love with a mute lunatic." I told her, "She'll come... She'll come..." GLaDOS says, "Hoping will only torture you more. She didn't answer my question when I asked if she was okay with me taking you back remember? She doesn't care about you now." I twitched feeling angry all of a sudden. I said, "SHUT UP YOU BLOODY WHITE MAINFRAME!! SHE'S GONNA COME!!" I hope she does... "Well let's see about that. If she reall does come, I wonder how I'm going to welcome her. Shall I prepare a surprise trap?"

Then I felt curious and asked, "Wait a minute. I heard that you.. freed.. her? You didn't killed her when you're back to that body? Why? I thought you hate her." GLaDOS replies, "I remember telling her that I realized that she was my best friend.. I told her that killing her... is hard. So I let her go. I wanted her gone now because there's no chance on even attempting on killing her." She paused for a few seconds. "Oh now that you mentioned it. I don't have to place a trap anymore. I'm just gonna surprise scare her. I wonder how though. I'm gonna start preparing but I won't think too much of it. She might not come. So I'll put the power on first priority for now. I'm gonna be busy." Then the systems announce again, "Shut down will start after an hour." GLaDOS got a bit surprised, "Oh no, I'm gonna have to hurry. I won't waste much time any longer now." She stops talking, nothing I can hear in the speaker anymore. She probably turned it off now.

One hour before hell gets real in this room. Crows attempt to peck me but I show them an angry expression and they avoid me. Well that's good. Guess I don't have to worry much about the birds anymore. I watch the many many anger cores growl then looks at me at times. I watch them from below me since I'm in a branch.

Chelley ~ Can't Stop Thinking About You *COMPLETE!*Where stories live. Discover now