Cнapтer 4 ~ Ι'м Нere

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- Chell's P.O.V. -
Ahh.... So tired, just got home from work. I studied more about elements today so I can understand more experiments.

I freshened myself up and put on my pajamas for the night. I'm going to eat dinner in the living room. The television will probably freshen my tired brain. I sat on the couch and placed my dinner on the coffee table in front of me. I took the remote and turned on the tv. Hm... nothing seems entertaining in any of the available channels. I'm just gonna go to the news channel.

5 minutes later has passed and I'm still eating. I'm about to drink a glass of water when the reporter on the tv said, "There has been 1, oh wait, 2 rather, unidentified flying objects, more like UFO. They have been found from space when the rocket event is being held. A bunch of our brave astronauts here witnessed these two objects. (camera then shows a person, its one of the astronauts that Wheatley encountered) Sir, what can you share to us about these UFOs? "Well, THEY WERE AWESOME! This blue core really seemed to want to advertise himself in the tv! Oh yeah, he told us he's not a UFO, he said he was a core. And anyway, this other core then keeps on saying 'SPACE' repeatedly. The both of them were so cool! We even took a selfie!"

I then almost choked at what I just heard. CORES?! Could it be....?! Wheatley! "Thank you so much for your time to share your story. We really appreciate it. And now, our other real astronauts went to space to take these 'cores' and bring them here in our planet! Isn't that amazing? Guess they're not bombs afterall!"

THEY'RE HERE?! REALLY?!?!?!?! "And now our cores are in a special room from the small rooms from Rocket to Space Adventures and we get to have a chance to interview them LIVE! We can only do this once according to other scientists but at least we got a chance, so here we go! (Reporter goes in to a door) Hello there core! We welcome you to planet Earth! How was your trip to Earth lately? (Reporter puts mic in front of Wheatley) "Oh uhm... It was pretty good mate, so far... Say, am I on tv right now?" Oh yes you are! You're Live right now and almost everyone in this planet is watching us! "Oh really?! That's uhm, great!!!! GREAT!!" So why do you want to be seen on television? "Well, its just that... You see.. I want someone to see someone again, and to do that, I need this person to see me. Although I don't know where this person is right now.." Oh are you in love with someone? Thats unusual, robots have feelings? "OH NONONONONONO, Im not in LOVE. I don't even know what love is nor how it feels to be in love." Well then, I can assure you that this person is watching you right now! "Really?! O: That's really good to know, thanks so much mate!" Its good to know you core, or.. Do you have a name exactly? "Oh, my name is Wheatley." Where are you from? "Thats a secret mate." Aw really? can't you tell us a certain location? Even if its not specific? "Sorry no thank you." Aw is that so? Okay. Do you like Earth so far? "Oh, I love Earth. I'm here, finally here." Say, how about you, other core, what's,, your name? "SPACE!!!" Oh, why, hello Space! How are you lately? "SPACE IS GONE, WHERE IS SPACE? EARTH? EEEEAAAARRRTTHHHH???!?!!?!?!!! SPACE GONE, SPACE GOOOONNEEEE" Uhhhh o-okay. Well its good to know you as well Space. Well I guess we don't have enough time. We'll be back so stay tuned! Next is about a certain old pizzaria---"

I closed the tv. I was in huge shock. They're here? Seariously?! Well... I guess I don't have to work so hard to earn... But still.... THEY'RE HERE? WHEATLEY'S HERE?!?!?! And they're in a special room from one of the scientist labs?! If I'm not mistaken, only scientists are allowed to go to the special rooms. I'm a scientist! Does that mean I can see him? I have a chance? OH MY GOSH I CAN'T WAIT!!

I want to sleep now! I'm just done eating dinner so I washed the plates and cups, cleaned for a bit, freshed up a bit again, brushed my teeth, and prepared my bed to sleep. I want to end this night so badly.. I dozed off to bed in an excited mood.

Chelley ~ Can't Stop Thinking About You *COMPLETE!*Where stories live. Discover now