Cнapтer 12 ~ Тнere Yoυ Are Lυv'

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"Looks like she found it." said GLaDOS and Wheatley said, "YES! CHELL!" But Chell doesn't hear anything nor see him through the glass.

- Chell's P.O.V. -
I can't open the door nor find any hole in this giant glass door. Maybe the walls have a hole? Wait a see a small hole! In the edge of the door. I try to shoot a portal to anything through the hole. Its so dark that I don't know if there's any white panels for me to shoot portals to.

Bullseye! I heard a portal hit something, now I can get inside. I shoot another protal to where I am and go in through it.

I'm at the bottom of this very big room. Its so dark. There are so many red optic cores, I think they're anger cores because of their aggressive expressions.

Then... I see a blue optic from far away in the room. Is it him?! I walk carefully past these anger cores. Then I hear crows from above, probably in the ceiling. While I get nearer, the blue optic is going higher. Where is he???

I'm getting closer..... and closer.... and closer.... and there. Finally..... I see him.... Wheatley!

He saw me and got surprised then said, "C-Chell!! Chell! Its you! Chell...." He looked like he was tired and relieved. Was he... waiting for me?

He was tied up with wires so I tried to take them all off of him. Then I pulled him out of the last wire with a big hug. I heard him say, "Chell..." I then realized I was crying all of a sudden. He saw me and said, "Ahh! Crying! W-what's wrong? Are you okay?" He paused when he saw me smile a bit at him. Then he responds, ".... I miss you too..."

I went outside of the big room with the portal I set while holding Wheatley from his handle. As I went outside, GLaDOS then spoke, "Good job Chell. I didn't expect you have very sharp eyes for seeing hidden rooms like that. I'll give you a quick transportation back to my base." A big claw then grabs me again from the hips then drags me back to the base. While it was dragging me and Wheatley, the lights suddenly turned on. GLaDOS said, "Oh finally, the power's back."

As Wheatley and I are finally back to her lair, she said, "To congratulate your hard work. I have a present for you. You'll love it." I looked up at her then she reminded me, "Don't worry, its not a death trap. You do know I won't set any on you anymore because its hard to kill you. Here it is." A small claw then goes down from the ceiling holding a small package. Wheatley said, "Open it open it!" I started to open it.

Then after opening the package reveals a bracelet. GLaDOS said, "Put it in you neck." Oh, its a necklace. Hahah. I placed it in my neck. Wheatley told GLaDOS, "It looks like a leash for dogs, that's stupid! B-but you don't look like a dog Chell! I'm taking about that thing." GLaDOS said, "Quiet moron, I'm not done with instructions." Instructions?

Two small claws come down and adjusts the necklace. It got more thinner. Then it turned transparent, its like the necklace isn't even there. GLaDOS said, "Wait.. Still making adjustments here." I can still see the necklace. Then the necklace turned lighter, it felt more comfortable in my neck. Its like I don't feel any weight anymore. "Almost done. Do you feel any pain?" GLaDOS asked, I shaked my head meaning No. "Well, you'll feel a bit of pain starting... now."

Ow! OW!! I felt an injection feeling in my neck. I made a pain expression then Wheatley said in worry, "Are you okay?! What kind of necklace is that anyway?!" GLaDOS replied, "Calm down. Its almost over." Ouch.... That hurts... Its like an invisible vampire just bit me. Then GLaDOS told in relief, "Finally! Its all set up now. Now its in your neck forever." Wheatley screamed in shock, "FOREVER?!?! What do you think of Chell, a robot?!" I also screamed in my mind, FOREVER?!

"Okay, let's wait for a few seconds and.... Ok, now its in your larynx by this time." Larynx? What is GLaDOS doing inside my neck? I'm getting nervous...

"Now let me scan the inside of your mouth, open wide Chell." I did and she started making automatic scans. "Okay done. Now let me just scan this and... Done." Wow, GLaDOS is FAST! What she's doing would take a normal person minutes or more! That's kinda cool.

"Well.. As what I can see here... its a SUCCESS!!! The procedure is now complete! Now time to test it out."
I wonder what GLaDOS means... I still don't have any idea what this necklace can do.

"Chell...................................................................................................................... speak." GLaDOS told me.

Speak?? Wheatley said, "Wait... WHAT?! Don't tell me.... Oh. My. God."

Then Wheatley orders me, "Chell! Say 'apple'" Whoa, I remember him telling me to say that the first time we met too.

Speak huh.... I start to open my mouth as I try to say the word, "Aaa--app--app--apple..." Wheatley and GLaDOS were both surprised and said, "IT WORKED!!!"

I can speak?! Really?! W-WOW!!!! I CAN't BELIEVE IT!!! GLaDOS said, "We need to help you say the words properly though since it looks like you're having a hard time speaking. You need to properly pronounce the alphabets and I know who can teach you on that." Wheatley then shouts, "ME! I'LL TEACH HER!!" Then GLaDOS nods.

She then tells, "If you weren't mute, that would be the exact voice you'll have. So that necklace I made just for you was looking for your real voice and it found it. Now you can speak dear." I still can't speak well nor I don't know how but instead I took my notepad and said, "THANK YOU GLADOS!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!" She felt happy then responds, "Aww you're welcome, heheh. I know I'm the best."

I'm so happy, I'm very very happy! I then realized tears falling from my face. I was crying in joy. Wheatley knows I wasn't crying in sadness. Then confetti pops out of nowhere from the room. GLaDOS said, "Let's at least celebrate, I made cake. PARTY BOT!"

A party bot comes in the base holding the cake. Then plays a very fun music. Then turrets come in from platforms then starts to sing with the music. I can't stop smiling. Wheatley was dancing turning side to side on the floor. GLaDOS too seemed to dance. I'm the only one who stood there feeling very happy to watch everyone. I then wrote to them, "Best day ever in my entire life!"

Atlas and P-body starts to come in then joins the dancing. Atlas takes my hand and dances and I danced with him. Wheatley sees this and got a bit annoyed. Is he.. jealous? He looks cute! My cheeks felt a bit warm.

Everyone's having a really good time. I am having the best time of my life! We seemed to have celebrated for hours now and I'm starting to feel a bit tired.

GLaDOS sees that and told me, "You seem tired. Let's end now. Its been fun." Wheatley responds, "Agreed." And I nodded.

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