Near death, near you Part 5

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Arthur's POV

 We have to get out of this alive. I don't care about anything else but making sure Merlin lives. Guards where chasing after us. How are we going to get away from them?

Where is someone when you need them? Maybe that is how Merlin feels. Waiting on something which seemed like it would never happen. He has magic. Merlin never once has tried to go against me or the kingdom. Maybe he just wanted to be accepted because he never asked to have magic.

I've been blind more then I thought I ever could be. Merlin's dying and its because he was protecting me. How many times has he done that with out me knowing? I could never hate Merlin even if he has magic.

"Arthur there so close, I feel so weak," Merlin whispers.

"Keep with me, don't give in!" I shout.

"Arthur, I can send for help but don't hurt him you must trust him," Merlin says.

"Who what you on about?" I ask.

"A dragon."

"A dragon, I don't wanna ask. Alright we are nearly out," I tell him as we approach the doors of the castle into the fresh air.

"Stop them!" we hear shouting nearby. We push open the doors and walk into the fresh air but guards rush forward as they see us. Merlin started whispering something I couldn't understand.

A guard reached us but he went flying back and Merlin had a slight grin on his face. I take his sword and we advance on towards the village down the mountain.

Just as guards where advancing on us I hear a roar above us. I look at Merlin and he nods. A dragon he said, this can't be happening. I watch as a dragon lands in front of us.

"Climb onto me quickly." he says. The dragon just talked to me and he looks quite familiar it can't be?

I help Merlin onto him before I climb on behind him. We soar into the sky and I hang on for dear life. "You won't get away from me next time ARTHUR PENDRAGON. You will pay for this Merlin and your kind!" he shouts.

I look at Merlin and he turns his head slightly towards me. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

"No you saved not only yourself, you saved me. You don't use your magic for evil, I see that."

"What you going to do?" he asks.

"I'm not sure yet but you maybe near death but I'll always be beside you even when your near death. When your not near death I'll still be beside you even if you have magic. You are my best friend, Merlin nothing will change that."


This is the last part.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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