The two that nearly got away Part 4

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Here you go guys. The next part whoop!. I actually enjoyed writing this. I hope you enjoy!!!



Emma’s POV

Six Months later

“No I don’t see why I should ask,” I say shyly.

“Oh come on, Emma. You love Lancelot with all your heart right?” asked my boss.

“Yes, of course I do. Helen also suggested that I should ask him, she plans to ask Colin but I want him to ask me. I need to know he wants that, I can’t face denial,” I say to her.

“Emma, he won’t say no and if he does its better you find out now then later isn’t it? If you love him with all your heart you wouldn’t mind asking him. Are you having last minute regrets? Do you think he isn’t the one?”

“I know he is the one but that’s exactly it, maybe I’m wrong I don’t know.”

“Until you figure this out, Emma everything will seem like it’s against you. This relationship will not work,” she tells me firmly before she walks away.

“Wait up, you didn’t tell me what drink you wanted…she has gone great!” I shout quiet loudly and get a few odd stares from the people working at their desks. I say sorry quickly and rush after my boss.


That evening I found Lancelot sitting on the sofa, I had worked late because my boss believes it’s good to give Lancelot space when he is in a bad mood.  I had a cruel phone call from him earlier, I know he was in a bad mood but it did hurt.

“Hey,” I smile at him as I entered the living room.

“Emma, I’m sorry,” he began.

“It’s ok, Lancelot I know work is stressful and I wasn’t exactly being nice was I,” I laugh.

“No, not really,” he laughs.

I sit down on the sofa next to him looking right at him. “Lancelot I need to ask you something,” I say slowly.

“Can we just watch this film,” he says. I nod and smile.

Helen’s POV

“Emma what is wrong?” I ask her finding her on the sofa with tears dripping down her face.

“I think I did something stupid,” she says slowly.

“What did you do?” I ask.

“I was going to ask Lancelot to marry me, I was so close but then I told him that the last few weeks have felt like he don’t seem to care as much. We argued and he stormed out,” Emma tells me.

“I guess I’m not the only one in a bad boat then. You know Colin and I went out for an amazing night out, I’m home early because he got too drunk and he was flirting so much. I was going to propose to him tonight but seeing that I told him that I don’t think this is going to work,” I say trying to stay strong knowing my best friend needs me as much as I need her.

That night we watched a film and ate popcorn and ice-cream but even doing that it didn’t heal the gapes in our hearts that seem to slowly be digging its way in.

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