Chapter Thirteen

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I'm not sure if thats him in the picture //.\\

Neither one of us could go back to sleep, so we all played around in the house and eventually outside. It was almost noon, and even though they barley got sleep, we all had a lot of energy. A loud laugh sounded-obviously from Isaac and Cilly. Cillyy and Issac were constantly flirting and everyone has noticed it- including Grayson who seems to be completely clueless on life. The only once he hasn't realized it is them. We were playing a childish game of hide-and-seek, which Grayson wanted to play. He is the youngest out of everyone-being only sixteen when the of us are eighteen and older. Grayson was counting, as the rest of us hid in random places-like the roof and on top of trees. Grayson suddenly stopped counting, looking into the woods, confusion flustering his face.

"Yo.. Grayson..What's up?" DJ jumped off the roof, along with Alexis, to see what Grayson was looking at-niether one of us seeing anything. Isaac and Kris then climbed from under the porch, and Cilly and I jumped down from our tree. "Gray..?" He hadn't taken his eyes away from the woods yet, just stared.

"Someone's watching us." He murmured, crossing his arms over his stomach, and stepping back a bit. Alexis scoffed rolling her eyes at him.

"You're just paranoid-" His gray eyes, suddenly turned dark-like he was angry.

"No, I'm serious. It maybe the alpha, but I'm sure he wouldn't hide himself this long." Grayson wasn't the brightest out of them, but he could hear and smell things far better than the average wolf or vampire- and his temper was nothing to play with. "It could also be one of the other vampires that didn't show last night." They all began shifting-not into full out wolves, but there eyes changed to a bright gold-like ours would-and their teeth grew sharper, along with their nails. I couldn't help but stare at Kris-the jawline was clenched, and his muscles showed with slight sweat glistening them. I shook my head, looking away as they began running toward the woods, they weren't as fast as us, but they were quick. Once I looked over, Cillyy had already shifted, getting ready to run toward the woods. I followed her, instantly catching up the everyone.

"Who ever it was is gone now, but someone was definitely here." Isaac announced, running his fingers through his wild curls. Kris rolled his eyes, leaning back against the tree trunk.

"And they'll be back." DJ added.

"Do you know who it was?" I asked cluelessly, looking over at Kris who just shook his head. "Was it one of us?"

"I smell one, but that might just be you guys.." Alexis says, pushing her hair out of her face.

"Whoever it was probably wants to fight." Cilly says and we all looked over at her.

"Why would you say that?" Kris asked, standing up, and walking over to the both of us. I looked over at what Cilly was staring at, seeing a symbol engraved on the tree. It was two X's with a straight line going though them, with a small 'o' in the center of both X's. (I made that up to be honest.)

"Because that symbol is a sign of war." I answered for her, seeing that she wasn't going to answer him anytime soon. "I bet this was Quez's doing. He probably went and filled up there heads with wild lies, and now they want to kill you-more than they did before."


"I haven't eaten in two days." I groaned to Cilly, who only laughed at me. "C'mon, we need to eat something." I pulled her off of the couch, walking toward the door. "We'll be back." After drinking from three wild deer, Cilly and I made our way back to where the rest of the vampires were. Jerek and Edward were sitting outside, talking and laughing about something.

"Hey!" They looked over at us, "Why are you guys ruining the peace we had and starting a damn supernatural war?" Jerek rolled his eyes, jumping off of the porch and landing on his feet.

"We didn't start this. Marquez started some shit with one of them last night, and now he wants to kill him. It isn't as complicated as it sounds. Its quite simple actually. Honestly, I'm just ready to get it over with, because its pointless." He growled, walking away from us. "So, you're either with us-or against us. Their is only two sides to this, and you have to chose one. Fight with your own kind-and win, or fight against your own kind-die with the others."

"So you can't stop them?" I asked, with my hand on my hip. Edward laughed, sitting down as Jerek began talking again. He looked over at Cilly, and then back at me.

"No, because you never go against your family. Even if you don't agree what with they're doing. If one of us have a problem with them, we all do. So I'm going to ask again." He stepped closer, uncrossing his arms from over his chest, and stuffing his hands in his pockets. I looked over at Cilly who was already looking at me, before we both looked at Jerek. "With us.. or against us?"

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