Twenty-Two ❤

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Alexis hasn't talked to me in over a week now. She doesn't talk to Cecilia either-but she hasn't noticed. Cillyy and Grayson have been helping with Dae and Isabelle-who sleep most of the time and if they aren't sleeping, they're eating. Kris and Issac didn't even talk to them, they just hugged and kissed their faces for a whole two days.

"Good morning." Issac says, walking into the kitchen, were I have been sitting for a while. I swung my legs a little, smiling at him.

"Hi." I mumbled, "Where's Isabelle?" He shrugged, grabbing a cup from the cupboard, and sitting it on the counter.

"I think she's asleep." He mumbled, searching for something in the refrigerator. I nodded, jumping down from the counter, and walking out of the kitchen.

"Hey." Kris says as I make my way into our bedroom. I sit on the bed, crossing my legs, and stare at him as he searches for shirt. He slips one on, and comes over to me, kissing my forehead. "You okay?" he asked, walking over to the dresser.


"Don't lie to me." He says, looking at me through the mirror. I sighed, and stood up, walking over to him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, nuzzling my head in between his shoulder blades. "Babe, what's wrong."

"Alexis is upset with me." I mumbled into his shirt. "She won't talk to me, or Cillyy. She won't even look at me. I don't like being ignored." He held one of my hands, kissing the back of it.

"She'll get over it. Alexis can't stay mad at you forever. You're family now. I mean, you and Cillyy fight sometimes-but you guys always make up." I pull away from him and sit on the edge of the bed.

"That's different. I've known Cillyy since the sixth grade. I have on know Alexis for about a year." He turned to face me, tilting his head a little bit.

"She's gonna talk to you. I promise and one she does talk to you, she's gonna pretend like she didn't ignore you for a week-shes difficult like that." I nodded, "So, everyone said they wanted to go to the carnival today. You wanna go?"

"Of course she does!" Cillyy says walking past the door. We both laughed, and I nodded, going into the bathroom to get dressed.


"I wanna play a game with Cillyy." Isabelle says, as we all got out of Danny's truck.

"I go with Fanny." Dae giggled, tugging on my pant leg. I laughed, and picked him up, holding him close to me.

"Let's go then." Grayson says, pulling Alexis with him to the ticket booth.


"I am not getting on that thing." I say as Kris, Dae, and I walk toward the roller coaster. Dae giggles, squeezing my hand a bit, before making grabby hands at me. I picked him up-again, putting him on my hip.

"But Dae really wants to, Franny. Please?" Dae kissed my cheek, smiling at me.

"Pwease Fanny?" I giggled at his cuteness, before looking over at Kris who was pouting also. "Don't they have height limits on this thing?"

"Oh, I'm sure they'll let you on." I laughed, pushing his shoulder-he always makes comments about my height.

"Not me! I'm talking about Dae!" He shrugged, and looked over at the sign. "I don't think they'll let him on."

"Okay. Let's find something else." He says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Dae pouted, but nodded, pointing toward a random game. We started playing the carnival games and riding the rides until Dae and Isabelle got sleepy. By the time we made it home, I had seven bears and several bags of candy. Cillyy was cuddled up with Issac and a big panda bear-which I gave her reluctantly. DJ and Grayson were laying on the couches. Dae and Isabelle were watching a weird cartoon along with Kris and Danny who where laughing at every weird thing they showed. I giggled a little, and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey." I looked up, seeing Alexis. Her hair was wild and curly again instead of tamed into a ponytail.

"U-uhm hi?" She bit into her sandwich, and over me a piece. I shook my head no-still confused on why she was talking to me like she hasn't ignored me for a week and a half.
"Look, I'm sorry. Okay? I just, I was raised to not trust vampires or humans. I didn't trust you at first, but then I realized how sweet you and Cillyy are and how much Kris really loves you. Kris is my pack brother so.. if he loves you.. I have to accept it. You understand right? I'm not good at apologies by the way."

"I forgive you-honstly." I say softly, hugging her sweetly-pulling away when I heard a loud growl.

"What's going on?" Alexis says as we walk into the living room. I look over at the door, seeing Marquez standing nervously at the door.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Kris growls, holding me protectively close to him.

"Look, I don't want to fight you, alright? I just want to talk to Cecilia and Franny. Please." I looked over at Cillyy who was holding onto Issac. Dae and Isabelle both looked confused. "I just need to talk to them."

"C'mon. Let's go upstairs." Grayson says, picking up Dae and holding onto Isabelle's hand, leading them up to their room.

"You got five minutes." Kris says, looking at me for a second, before everyone left the room. We all stood there staring at each other.

"Look, I didn't want that to happen. I didn't realize that Dylan was going to hurt you like that and-"

"I don't believe you." Cillyy says quickly, not even allowing him to finish.

"I don't want us to fight like this anymore. I miss having you around-both of you. And I'm constantly lying to mom telling her that you guys are off doing whatever. Mom wants to see you-and Franny, your parents want to see you. We just have to stay there for a week. Mom thinks its spring break for that stupid college you guys wanted to go."

"So I have to pretend no to hate you for a whole week?" I groaned, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes. Just a week and then you can go back to hating me." I looked at Cillyy and nodded. Marquez nodded too, before walking out closing the door behind him.

'You look really nice by the way, Franny.' I rolled my eyes, sighing deeply before following Cillyy upstairs.



I promise the next chapter will be better

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