Chapter Eighteen

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Kris's POV. ❤

"How are they doing?" I asked Issac, leaning against the door of his bedroom.

"They're breathing.. but it doesn't seem like they're gonna wake up anytime soon." He mumbled, looking down at his shoes.

"But what if they don't wake up at all?" Grayson murmured, pulling his knees up to his chest as he sat down on the dirty carpet of the hallway.

"They will wake up. Its going to be a while but, its going to happen." Graysom scoffed, unshed tears lingering in his eyes. He let out a heavy-shaky breath, tugging on the sleeves of his sweater. "Gray-

"It's been almost a month, Kris. They have been asleep for three weeks. I wish we hadn't fought at all. Then Cilly and Alexis wouldn't be half dead right now." He sighed, standing up and wiping his eyes. "I'm gonna go talk to DJ.." I nodded my head, watching as he walked away from Issac and I.

"I should have killed him that day." Issac mumbled, before walking away from me too. I shook my head fondly, before walking back into my room. As soon as I walked in, I noticed her beautiful brown eyes weren't in sight. She was alseep for the first time in three weeks. I slid off my shoes, taking off my jacket, before sliding in bed beside her. Her cold hands touched my waist-making sure it was me, before she snuggled close to me. I pulled the covers over us both, snuggling into her as I closed my eyes.

"Kris.." I groaned quietly, pulling away from Franny's grasp, causing her to stir in her sleep and turn over. I softly chuckled, standing up and walking out of my bedroom. "The alpha is coming here. He doesn't know we have to vampires here.." DJ says, and Grayson gasped, starting to freak out.

"He-he's gonna kill us." He mumbled, whimpering quietly.

"He doesn't need to know.." Issac says, "I mean, sure he'll smell their scents lingering, but he knows that we fought vampires." He stood, walking over to Grayson, calming him down a little. "Even if we do tell them, we haven't mated them, so he'll make them leave."

"How long do we have until he gets here?"

"About a day or two." I nodded, walking up the stairs, seeing Franny was awake and changing her clothes. She reached for her shorts, but I stopped her grabbing her hand gently.

"Kris..what are yo-"

"Are you in love with me?" I asked, sliding my hands down to her waist. She nodded, and I smiled, softly kissing her lips. "You're my mate.. I know you are. I just want to make that offical." I kissed her shoulder, as she gasped.

"Are you asking me to Marry you?" She whispered out and I laughed softly, shaking my head.

"No, not yet." I smile, "I want to mate you. Im not going all the way because we're not ready for that step yet." She nodded, I could smell her arousal already. I gently laid her down, kissing her neck and chest. I removed her shirt, and then mine along with my pants. I gently placed her arms around my waist, leaning down to kiss her. I gently began moving my waist against hers, us both in our underwear, watching her shudder beneath my touch. I moaned against her lips, going at a faster pace, my hips meeting her. I listen to the way she whimpered my name, her body shaking. I felt her nails dragging down my back as she fluttered her eyes closed. "This might hurt a little." I whispered and she nodded, moaning into collar bone. I placed my lips on the soft skin of her shoulder, sinking my werewolf fangs deep in her skin, givibg her the mate bite. She gasped out in pleasure, her nails deep in me skin.

"Kris .." She warned, but I sucked harder on the bite, and moved my hips quickly against her. She yelled out my name, panting as I felt my boxers dampen. She fluttered her eyes closed again, catching her breath. "I love you." She whispered, pecking my lips.

"I love you too, baeobei." I mumbled against her skin, before standing to my feet. "So do you wanna shower-" I looked back at her, seeing that she was fast asleep. I chuckled, placing the cover over her body, before heading to the bathroom.



hope you enjoyed it :')

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