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A day passed. Then three. Then a week. No news from Luke. On that Sunday I went out for coffee with some friends to a cafe that had opened a few blocks from my house.

I'm sitting at a table with Bella, Simone, Jade and Meghan, who is directly across from me. We're having a great time. Empty cake plates and cold coffee mugs standing around on the table. We are just making simple small-talk. After a rather dry joke from Jade we all pack up laughing, then there is a short moment of silence as we catch our breath.  However, the silence is soon broken by Jade.

"So, Han-" 

I know that look... 

"How's Luke?" Jade wiggles her eyebrows at me as Meghan's cup clatters down onto her saucer rather noisily. I frown and keep my eyes on her as I reply.

"Uh, yeah, it's nothing." I mumble. Meghan glances at me then redirects her attention to her spilled tea.

"What? How could it be nothing?" Bella gasps, "We know all your dirty little secrets." Her eyes searching me over the brim of her mug.

"There aren't any dirty little secrets." I announce, "Besides, I haven't heard from him in a week." I look at my hands and avoid eye contact with anyone.

"Ah, one of those." Simone says, sounding a little disgusted.

I've been trying my best not to think the worst but he has been making that very difficult. I remember the last time I saw him. He had acted so strange and then it was like he had never existed.

After we pay, we go our separate ways but Meghan had parked behind me so we walk together.

"What was up with you and that cup?" I look at her sceptically.

She is quiet for a while before... "Sorry, what?"

I stop and turn to her as we reach the cars. 

"Okay, something is going on and you need to tell me." I command.

She opens her mouth as if to say something but then thinks better of it and just says, "You need to stop stressing!" She gives a fake little laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Meghan." I look her dead in the eyes.

"Just..." she sighs then continues, "Be careful. That's all I'm saying." She shrugs and gets in the car. Leaving me on the pavement, she drives off.

"Come on!" I shout to the empty street. "Again!?"

People really need to work on their goodbyes.

On my way home I try to decipher her weird behavior but my thoughts are interrupted when I stop in front of my house. My jaw drops as I stare at the charcoal black Range Rover parked in my driveway.


I tap on his window when I see him snoozing in the driver's seat. I place my hands on my hips as he jumps slightly then rolls down the glass, looking me up and down. I squirm under his scrutiny.

"Miss me?" His groggy voice spreading warmth through my limbs.

"I'm sorry." I play dumb, "I'm not sure I remember you... Oh wait! It's coming back now. You're the guy that took me on the best date and then disappeared into thin air after the most terrible excuse for a farewell."

I'm not sure of my emotions at this point. Am I joking? Am I really angry? 

"So it was a date?" he teases. His voice raspier than ever.

I throw my hands into the air. "You're impossible!" I glare at him but his expression, unfortunately, makes me want to smile.

He pouts his lips as he steps out of the car, his eyes not leaving mine. He stands right in front of me and steps forward, clasping his hands behind my back. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Care to explain?" I ask as he smiles down at me.

"Aren't you going to invite me inside first?" He is way too confident.

I roll my eyes and groan as I turn around and lead him up the steps and unlock the front door.

I dump my bag on the coffee table and turn around to find him slouching on the couch already. He gestures for me to sit next to him.

"Still waiting for that explanation." I say as I walk across the room towards him. "Don't think you're getting off the hook that easily."

He sighs, "Damn... I'm sorry about that. I was just-" he swallows, "-figuring some stuff out."

Then his tone changes. "Anyway, what were you out doing on this fine Sunday?"

I regard him with suspicious eyes. "Not that it's any of your business..." I say pointedly, "I was out with friends."

"Friends? Like who?"

I frown and shake my head slightly. "Just friends! You know, from the club." I answer.

"Ah." Does he sound a little relieved?

"Does it matter who I was with?" I ask disbelievingly.

"Well, if you were with a bunch of people who didn't care for your well being-"

"And would those people include, say, other males?" I counter.

He takes a deep breath and pulls me into a hug. Not the diaphragm crushing, bear hug from before but a soft embrace. I've never felt so comfortable yet so confused in someone's presence. I have so many questions rolling over in my mind, threatening to spill over the edge.

"I heard something the other day." I choose my words carefully.


"About... A girl." I speak very slowly, afraid of his reaction. I can feel his muscles tense but I continue, "About a previous relationship of yours."

I wait for him for what feels like a long time.

"W-what did you hear?" He finally asks weakly.

"Only that it didn't work out." I pick at my fingernails, "But I also heard that I am the first girl that you've looked at since then." His arm disappears from behind me. "Is that true?" I ask in my softest voice.

He now holds his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes, elbows resting on his knees.

Before he can answer there are hurried footsteps outside followed by a very loud knock and a panicked sounding Meghan.


I jump up to open the door. Then I see her pale face looking back at me.

"Are- are you okay?" she asks quickly, "I-"

She stops when she sees Luke. He, having seen her too, stands very quickly.

"Oh!" I come back to my senses, "Meghan, this is Luke. Luke, this is Meghan." 

I introduce them but both are unsmiling.

"Yeah, we-" Meghan starts but Luke interrupts her by walking forward and extending a hand.

"Nice to meet you." His mouth twitching into a brief, tight smile.

She gives a small nod and shakes his hand.

I look from one to the other, not understanding the sudden tension suffocating me. A few very painful and awkward seconds later Luke faces me.

"I need to go."

"But... You just got here." I say a little annoyed.

"I know, I know." He puts his hands on my shoulders and plants a small kiss on my forehead. Then he reaches into his pocket and brings out his phone.

"Here, save your number so that I can contact you." He smiles but it isn't a warm smile. It doesn't reveal his dimples.

I take it slowly, still glancing between him and Meghan. "O-kay."

They keep exchanging cold glances as I type my number. He takes the phone back and gives me one last look, but it isn't just a look. It's a mixture of regret, sadness, longing and apology. It seems to last forever. He squeezes my hand and walks out the door.

"Bye." He says softly to Meghan as she moves out of the doorway for him to pass.

"Yeah." She acknowledges his greeting but doesn't return it.

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